Choosing the right Python IDE for your project depends on several factors, such as your level of experience, your project requirements, your personal preferences, and your budget. There is no one-size-fits-all solution, but you can use some criteria to narrow your options and find the best fit for you.

How to choose the right Python IDE for your project?
Here are some questions you can ask yourself when choosing a Python IDE:
Question 1: What features do I need?
Different IDEs offer different features, such as code completion, syntax highlighting, debugging, testing, refactoring, version control integration, database support, web development tools, etc. It would be best if you considered what features are essential for your project and what features are nice to have. You should also consider the trade-off between features and performance. Some IDEs are more lightweight and faster than others, but they may lack some advanced features.
Here are some of the lightweight and fast IDEs:
Geany: Having a simple and user-friendly interface that can be customized with themes and plugins.
Thonny: Have a clean and intuitive interface showing code and output side by side. It is basically designed for beginners.
Wing IDE: It is a fast, stable, and lightweight cross-platform IDE which comes in 3 editions: Wing Pro, Wing Personal, and Wing 101.
Question 2: What frameworks and libraries do I use?
Python has a rich ecosystem of frameworks and libraries for various purposes, such as Django, Flask, TensorFlow, NumPy, Pandas, etc. You should choose an IDE that supports the frameworks and libraries you use or plan to use in your project. Some IDEs are more specialized and tailored for specific frameworks or domains, while others are more general and versatile.
Here are some Python IDE that support (Django, Flask, TensorFlow, NumPy, and Pandas):
Visual Studio Code
Wing IDE
Komodo IDE
Question 3: What platforms do I work on?
Python is a cross-platform language that can run on Windows, Mac OS, Linux, and other operating systems. You should choose an IDE that is compatible with the platforms you work on or plan to work on. Some IDEs are cross-platform themselves, while others are platform-specific or require additional configuration or installation to work on different platforms.
Here we have a list of Python IDEs which support Windows, Mac OS, and Linux:
VS Code
Jupyter Notebook
Question 4: What is my budget?
Python IDEs vary in price, from free and open source to paid and proprietary. You should consider your budget and the value you get from the IDE. Some IDEs offer free trials or community editions that you can use to test their features and usability before buying. You should also consider the licensing terms and conditions of the IDE and whether they suit your needs.
Here are some Python IDEs that support (Django, Flask, TensorFlow, NumPy, and Pandas):
PyCharm Community Edition
Visual Studio Code
Anaconda Navigator
Jupyter Notebook
Eric IDE
Wing IDE 101 (Free Edition)
Sublime Text (Free Evaluation Version)
Ninja IDE
Here we have s list of paid Python IDEs:
PyCharm (Professional Edition)
Wing IDE (Personal, Pro, Wing 101)
Komodo IDE
Visual Studio
PyDev for Eclipse (Paid Version)
ActivePython (Includes ActivePython IDE)
Question 5: What is my preference?
Ultimately, choosing an IDE is a matter of personal preference and comfort. You should choose an IDE that you enjoy working with and that matches your coding style and workflow. Try out different IDEs and see which one feels right for you. You can also read reviews and feedback from other users and developers who have used the IDEs you are considering.
Here are some of the most popular and recommended Python IDEs of all time:
PyCharm: Best and the most popular IDE for Python which will provide specific features such as intelligent code completion, syntax highlighting, code analysis, refactoring, debugging, testing, version control integration, database support, web development tools, and more.
IDLE: This will provide you with features such as code editing, execution, debugging, and interactive shell. IDLE is easy to use and suitable for beginners who want to learn Python.
Visual Studio Code: This will provide the same features as PyCharm but to use VS Code for Python development, you need to install the Python extension that adds additional functionality such as linting, formatting, refactoring, etc.
Atom: To use Atom for Python development, you need to install some packages that add additional functionality such as linter-python, autopep8, hydrogen, etc.
Sublime Text: To use Sublime Text for Python development, you need to install some packages that add additional functionality such as Anaconda, SublimeREPL, SublimeLinter, etc.
In this article, we have guided you on how to choose the right Python IDE for your project by providing some questions which you can consider before selecting or choosing IDEs for your Python projects.