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Per-Interpreter GIL (Global Interpreter Lock) in Python

Writer's picture: The Tech PlatformThe Tech Platform

The GIL (Global Interpreter Lock) is a mutual exclusion lock (mutex) that acts as a gatekeeper for executing Python bytecode. It allows only one thread at a time to execute Python bytecode instructions within the CPython interpreter. This means that even if you have a multi-core processor, only one thread can actively process Python code at any moment. 

It plays a crucial role in ensuring thread safety and memory management but comes with a trade-off regarding parallelism in certain scenarios.

Scenario 1: Web Server with High Traffic:

  • Problem: Imagine a web server built with Python that experiences high traffic. A separate thread might handle each user request.

  • GIL (Global Interpreter Lock) Impact: Only one thread can execute Python bytecode each time with the GIL. Even if you have multiple CPU cores, processing each user request will be sequential, leading to potential bottlenecks and slow response times for users, especially if the requests involve CPU-bound tasks like data processing or complex calculations.

Scenario 2: Image Processing with Multiple Images:

  • Problem: Consider an application that needs to process multiple images simultaneously. Each image processing task is CPU-bound, requiring significant processing power.

  • GIL Impact: If you use multithreading within a single Python process, the GIL (Global Interpreter Lock) will limit true parallelism. Only one image can be processed each time, even with multiple CPU cores available. This can significantly slow down the overall processing time.

Scenario 3: Downloading Multiple Files:

  • Problem: Imagine downloading multiple large files concurrently using Python. Each download can be treated as a separate thread.

  • GIL Benefit: The GIL benefits this scenario. Since downloading involves waiting for network responses (I/O-bound tasks), multiple threads can efficiently manage the waiting process. As each download completes, the GIL (Global Interpreter Lock) allows another thread to handle Python code for processing the downloaded data.

What is the Global Interpreter Lock?

The per-interpreter GIL (Global Interpreter Lock) is a new feature introduced in Python 3.12 (PEP 684) allowing each sub-interpreter (a lightweight instance of the main Python interpreter) to have its own independent GIL. This concept builds upon the existing Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) in CPython.

Traditional Global Interpreter Lock:

  • The standard GIL in CPython is a mutual exclusion lock that ensures only one thread can execute Python bytecode at a time within the interpreter. This simplifies memory management and thread safety but limits true parallelism for CPU-bound tasks (tasks requiring significant processing power).

Per-Interpreter Global Interpreter Lock (PyGIL):

  • The per-interpreter GIL breaks away from this single GIL concept.

  • It allows each sub-interpreter to have its own independent GIL. This means multiple sub-interpreters can have threads executing Python bytecode concurrently, even if they share the same process with the main interpreter.

  • This enables performance improvements for CPU-bound tasks, especially when utilizing multiple CPU cores.

The diagram illustrates how per-interpreter Global Interpreter Lock allows sub-interpreters to achieve true parallelism for CPU-bound tasks within a single process, potentially improving performance on multi-core systems.

  • Each interpreter (Main and Sub-interpreters) has its independent GIL (labeled GIL, GIL1, and GIL2).

  • GIL controls thread scheduling within their respective interpreters.

  • The diagram includes dotted lines labeled "Data Exchange (Optional)" and "Sync (Rare)". These represent possibilities, not core aspects of per-interpreter GIL. They indicate that:

  • Data Exchange: In some cases, data exchange between the main interpreter and sub-interpreters might be necessary. This would require mechanisms like queues or shared memory (not shown in the diagram).

  • Synchronization (Rare): In very specific scenarios, synchronization (locks, semaphores) might be needed for coordinated actions between interpreters.

Key Differences between GIL and Pre-Interpreter GIL:


Traditional GIL (Single GIL)

Per-Interpreter GIL (PyGIL)


Single lock for all threads in the interpreter

Independent GIL for each sub-interpreter


Limited for CPU-bound tasks

Enables potential parallelism for CPU-bound tasks within sub-interpreters


Built-in functionality of CPython

Currently accessible through C-API (complex)

Python-Level API

Not yet implemented (potential for future)

Future possibility, but not guaranteed


Relatively simpler for standard use cases

More complex due to managing sub-interpreters

Benefits of Per-Interpreter Global Interpreter Lock:

The per-interpreter GIL (Global Interpreter Lock) offers a potential solution to the limitations of the traditional GIL for specific scenarios. 

  1. True Parallelism for CPU-Bound Tasks: The traditional GIL limits parallelism for CPU-bound tasks (tasks that heavily utilize the processor). Multiple sub-interpreters can execute CPU-bound tasks concurrently with each sub-interpreter to have its own independent GIL. This enables programs to use multiple CPU cores more effectively to improve performance for these computations.

  2. Isolation and Fine-Grained Control: Sub-interpreters provide a way to create separate execution environments within a single process. This allows for better isolation between tasks running in different sub-interpreters. With independent GILs, you need finer-grained control over how threads are scheduled within each sub-interpreter.

Current Access and Limitations:

While the per-interpreter GIL (Global Interpreter Lock) holds promise for advanced use cases, its accessibility presents some limitations:

  1. C-API Approach: The per-interpreter GIL is primarily accessible through the C-API (C Application Programming Interface). This requires developers to learn C development and the Python C-API, making it a complex approach for most Python programmers who don't know C development.

  2. Steeper Learning Curve: Using the C-API for creating and managing sub-interpreters with their GILs involves additional complexity. Developers should understand C-level functions and memory management considerations, which can be a significant hurdle for those primarily working with Python.

  3. Python-Level API (Potential): PEP 684 originally envisioned a Python-level API for creating and managing sub-interpreters with the per-interpreter GIL. This would simplify access and make it more usable for a broader range of Python developers.

How It Works (C-API Focus):

The per-interpreter Global Interpreter Lock leverages the concept of sub-interpreters to enable independent execution environments within a single process.

What are Sub-Interpreters?

  • Sub-interpreters are lightweight instances of the main Python interpreter. They share some resources (like the underlying memory space) with the main interpreter but maintain separate namespaces and execution environments.

  • This allows for some degree of isolation between tasks running in different sub-interpreters.

Creating and Managing Sub-Interpreters with Per-Interpreter GIL (C-API):

Py_NewInterpreterFromConfig is a function used to create a new, standalone Python interpreter instance with a specified configuration in the Python C-API. It allows you to create multiple Python interpreters within the same process, each with its own isolated namespace and execution environment.

Function Signature:

PyInterpreter *Py_NewInterpreterFromConfig(PyThreadState **tstate, PyInterpreterConfig *config);


  1. tstate: (Optional, PyThreadState ) A pointer to a pointer to a PyThreadState object. This parameter is used to specify the thread state of the thread that will be interacting with the newly created interpreter. However, it's often left as NULL in most cases.

  2. config: (Required, PyInterpreterConfig *) A pointer to a PyInterpreterConfig structure that holds configuration options for the new interpreter. This structure allows you to specify various settings for the sub-interpreter, such as:

  • .check_multi_interp_extensions: A flag indicating whether to perform compatibility checks for extensions used in the main interpreter to ensure they work correctly with sub-interpreters.

  • .gil: An integer that determines the GIL (Global Interpreter Lock) behavior of the newly created interpreter. This can be set to:

  • PyInterpreterConfig_INHERIT_GIL: The new interpreter inherits the GIL from the main interpreter (default behavior).

  • PyInterpreterConfig_OWN_GIL: The new interpreter has its own independent GIL (enables true parallelism within the sub-interpreter, but requires careful management).

Return Value:

  • PyInterpreter *: On creating the new interpreter, the function returns a pointer to a PyInterpreter object representing the newly created interpreter instance.

  • NULL: If there's an error during creation, the function returns NULL. You can use PyErr_Occurred() to check for errors and call PyErr_Print() to retrieve detailed error information.

Here is code demonstrating the creation and basic interaction with a sub-interpreter in Python using C-API:

#include <Python.h>

// Error handling helper function
void handle_error(const char* message) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", message);

int main() {
    PyThreadState *tstate = PyThreadState_Get(); // Save the main thread state

    // Configure the sub-interpreter
    PyInterpreterConfig config = {
        .check_multi_interp_extensions = 1, // Check for extension compatibility
        .gil = PyInterpreterConfig_OWN_GIL,  // Create a sub-interpreter with its own GIL

    // Create the sub-interpreter
    PyInterpreter *subinterp = Py_NewInterpreterFromConfig(&tstate, &config);
    if (subinterp == NULL) {
        handle_error("Failed to create sub-interpreter");

    // Interact with the sub-interpreter (limited ways)
    PyRun_SimpleString("print('Hello from the sub-interpreter!')", Py_file_input, subinterp->globals, subinterp->locals);

    // (Optional) Transfer data between interpreters (requires caution)
    // ... (code for data transfer using appropriate mechanisms)

    // Cleanup (important)
    Py_DECREF(subinterp); // Release the reference to the sub-interpreter
    Py_FinalizeEx(0);      // Finalize the sub-interpreter and cleanup resources

    PyThreadState_Swap(tstate); // Restore the main thread state

    return 0;

In the above code:

  • PyThreadState *tstate = PyThreadState_Get();: Saves the current thread state before creating the sub-interpreter. This might be necessary for advanced interactions with the sub-interpreter.

  • PyInterpreterConfig config: This structure holds configuration options for the new sub-interpreter.

  • .check_multi_interp_extensions = 1: Enables compatibility checks to ensure extensions used in the main interpreter are compatible with sub-interpreters.

  • .gil = PyInterpreterConfig_OWN_GIL: This specifies the new sub-interpreter should have its own independent GIL.

  • Py_NewInterpreterFromConfig function: Attempts to create the sub-interpreter based on the provided configuration. This function returns a PyInterpreter object on success or NULL on failure.

  • The first argument (tstate) is typically the thread state of the current thread, which is retrieved in step 3.

  • The second argument (&config) is the configuration structure created earlier.

  • Error handling is crucial using handle_error if creation fails.

  • PyRun_SimpleString function (optional): This line demonstrates limited interaction with the sub-interpreter. It executes a simple Python string (print('Hello from the sub-interpreter!')) within the sub-interpreter's namespace.

  • Py_DECREF(subinterp);: Releases the reference to the sub-interpreter object. This is crucial to avoid memory leaks and ensure proper resource management.

  • Py_FinalizeEx(0);: Finalizes the sub-interpreter and cleans up the resources.

  • PyThreadState_Swap(tstate);: Restores the original thread state saved earlier with PyThreatState_Get().


  • The C-API approach involves several low-level details and requires a deep understanding of memory management and C-level functions in Python.

  • Managing sub-interpreters with their GILs introduces additional complexities:

  • Synchronization between the main interpreter and sub-interpreters becomes essential to avoid race conditions and data corruption.

  • Data-sharing strategies are needed to ensure proper data exchange between environments.

  • Memory management becomes more intricate as you should know the resource allocation and deallocation within both the main interpreter and sub-interpreters.

Alternative Approaches for Parallelism:

There are several reasons to look for alternative approaches to Parallelism. Even though the pre-interpreter Global Interpreter Lock approach is not recommended for most of the developers because:

  1. It requires a deep understanding of the CPython internals, including thread state management, synchronization mechanisms (locks, semaphores), and complex data exchange strategies (queues, shared memory).

  2. Error handling and debugging become significantly more challenging due to the interaction between multiple interpreters and the main program.

  3. Debugging code involving multiple interpreters is significantly harder.

  4. Specialized tools might be needed to inspect the state of each interpreter independently or to coordinate debugging across them.

  5. The approach requires enabling extension compatibility checks, which can introduce potential issues if extensions used in the main interpreter are not designed for sub-interpreter environments.

The pre-interpreter Global Interpreter Lock approach adds a significant layer of complexity compared to its benefits. Developers can achieve parallelism more effectively and with less risk using libraries like:

  1. Multiprocessing

  2. Threading

  • This is the preferred choice for most developers seeking parallelism in Python, especially for CPU-bound tasks.

  • It creates separate processes that can leverage multiple cores on your system, enabling true parallel execution of tasks.

  • Each process has its own memory space, so data exchange requires careful planning using mechanisms like queues or shared memory.

Threading module:

  • It is useful for I/O-bound tasks where the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) doesn't hinder performance significantly.

  • It allows the creation of multiple threads within a single process that can share memory and synchronize access to shared resources.

  • However, due to the GIL, threads cannot efficiently execute CPU-bound tasks in parallel within a single process.

Consider the table that summarizes the key points:


Pre-interpreter GIL






Limited (by GIL)




Low (basic)

Memory Space

Separate interpreters

Separate processes




Required (queues, shared memory)

Required (locks)

Data Exchange


Required (queues, shared memory)



Not recommended

Preferred for CPU-bound tasks

I/O-bound tasks


While the pre-interpreter GIL offers the potential for true parallelism within isolated environments, it's important to understand its limitations before considering it for your project.

Each sub-interpreter has its own GIL, allowing for genuine parallel execution of CPU-bound tasks across multiple cores, which could be beneficial in specific scenarios.

Unless you have a specific need for true parallelism within isolated environments and are comfortable with the complexities of C-API and advanced synchronization, multiprocessing is the recommended approach for parallelism in Python applications. It offers a more robust and user-friendly solution for most developers.

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Iqra Technology
Iqra Technology
٠٦ يوليو ٢٠٢٤

Your detailed exploration of the per-interpreter Global Interpreter Lock (PyGIL) in Python provides a thorough understanding of its implementation, benefits, and complexities. It effectively highlights the significant impact on parallelism for CPU-bound tasks within a single process, contrasting it with traditional GIL constraints and alternative approaches like multiprocessing and threading.

Your explanation clarifies the nuanced scenarios where PyGIL can enhance performance, particularly in environments requiring multiple isolated execution contexts. The inclusion of practical examples and the C-API demonstration enriches the comprehension of how developers can utilize sub-interpreters effectively despite the inherent complexity.

Overall, your comprehensive analysis serves as an invaluable resource for developers seeking to optimize Python applications for parallelism while navigating the challenges associated with advanced concurrency models.

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