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The Tech Platform
Jun 30, 2023
TypeScript Set and TypeScript Weakset
TypeScript provides two powerful collection classes called Set and WeakSet, which allow you to work with unique sets of values in your...

The Tech Platform
Jun 10, 2023
What is TypeScript?
TypeScript is designed to make large-scale JavaScript applications more manageable by providing features such as interfaces, classes, and...

The Tech Platform
Mar 21, 2023
Introduction to TypeScript Array
TypeScript is a popular programming language that is widely used for web development. One of the key features of TypeScript is its...

The Tech Platform
Mar 17, 2023
TypeScript 'forEach' Method
TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that provides static type checking, which can help detect errors before runtime. It also supports...

The Tech Platform
Feb 7, 2023
How to use "map" object in TypeScript
What is Map in TypeScript? The Map is a built-in object in TypeScript that is used to store key-value pairs. It's similar to an object in...

Sofia Sondh
Jan 28, 2023
JavaScript vs TypeScript
In this article, we will learn the Similarities and the difference between JavaScript and TypeScript. JavaScript: JavaScript is a...

The Tech Platform
Sep 6, 2022
Which Programming Languages you should learn?
Which programming Language should I learn? JavaScript and Python, two of the most popular languages in the startup industry, are in high...

The Tech Platform
Aug 1, 2022
Mapped Types in TypeScript
Mapped types allow you to create new types from existing ones by mapping over property types. Each property of the existing type is...

The Tech Platform
Jul 4, 2022
Programming Languages: Types of Programming Language.
A programming language is any set of rules that converts strings, or graphical program elements in the case of visual programming...

The Tech Platform
Jun 22, 2022
Introduction to Duck Typing in TypeScript
What is Duck Typing? Duck Typing is usually used in code that needs to handle a range of different data, often without knowing exactly...
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