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Which Programming Languages you should learn?

Which programming Language should I learn? JavaScript and Python, two of the most popular languages in the startup industry, are in high demand. Most startups use Python-based backend frameworks such as Django (Python), Flask (Python), and NodeJS (JavaScript). These languages are also considered to be the best programming languages to learn for beginners.

Below we we have some of the popular programming languages which you should learn:

->Frontend Development: JavaScript and TypeScript

Frontend Development is basically the development of the frontend of the application. It defines how the application appears to the user. In making a robust, interactive, and attractive user interface, a lot goes behind the scenes. Frontend development is the part of web development that develops and creates the website's frontend elements or features immediately visible and available to the end-user or client. A frontend developer, in essence, is responsible for everything you see, including styling, images, text, alignment, navigation, colors, and so on, and strives to make the user experience as frictionless as possible. They also assist with debugging and add to the overall design and look. Frontend development's main aims are responsiveness and performance.

1. JavaScript

JavaScript is a robust client-side programming language that is open-source. Its primary purpose is to enhance a user's interaction with a web page. In other words, you can utilize this programming language to improve the vibrancy and engagement of your website. JavaScript is also widely used in the development of games and mobile apps. Excellent speed, cross-browser interoperability, and straightforward semantics are just a few of JavaScript's essential qualities, providing a seamless developer experience.


  1. Inherent simplicity makes build-systems and testing more straightforward too. These features allow developers to cut down the time required to create applications and improve the reliability of the finished product.

  2. Javascript is unique across many platforms. Some of the popular use cases among developers include:

-Server-side programming with node.js

-Cross-platform mobile application development.

-Desktop applications using frameworks such as Electron

3. Javascript is capable of running code on the client-side i.e., in the web browser.

4. Javascript gives developers the tools required to create engaging interfaces to interact with users and provide added value.


  1. In programming for the web, JavaScript code is by design available to be viewed at the client’s side. This can open up avenues of attack for malicious parties looking to gain access to related systems, do damage, or deny others access.

  2. Simply building something and running it in a browser offers limited tools for solving problems and debugging code. Since the web browser is not first and foremost a developing tool, it’s more limited than the suites and tools afforded to other languages such as C++ or Java.

  3. As programming languages go, JavaScript is considerably more ‘laid-back’ than most. The language itself is less strict on conventions and rules such as assigning types to variables. Unfortunately, this can lead to bad habits to stick around if developers aren’t extremely careful about applying rules of their own.

2. TypeScript

Typescript is an open-source programming language created by Microsoft. Actually, it's a superset of Javascript which adds static typing to the language. It is worth mentioning that in the end Typescript compiles to Javascript, so the final code can run on any environment which supports JS.


  1. TypeScript features mistakes at arrangement time while JavaScript, at the runtime.

  2. TypeScript gives the advantages of discretionary static composing: TS types can be added to factors, capacities, properties, and so forth.

  3. TypeScript underpins specifically or static composing. Static composing can be valuable to help archive capacities, explain utilization, and diminish psychological overhead (interface type clues and getting expected mistakes continuously programming).

  4. TypeScript runs in any program or JavaScript motor.

  5. Extraordinary tooling with IntelliSense which gives dynamic clues as the code’s additional.


  1. TypeScript sets aside a long effort to incorporate the code.

  2. TypeScript doesn’t uphold theoretical classes.

  3. When utilizing an outsider library, there should be a definition document, and now and again it’s not generally accessible.

  4. Nature of type definition documents is a worry.

  5. At whatever point TypeScript needs to run in a program, there should even now be a gathering step to change TypeScript to JavaScript.

->Backend Development: Golang and Python

Back-end development means working on server-side software, which focuses on everything you can't see on a website. Back-end developers ensure the website performs correctly, focusing on databases, back-end logic, application programming interface (APIs), architecture, and servers.

1. Golang

Go makes an ideal choice for backend web development, particularly for high-performing concurrent services on the server side. It can be used for building the server side of your mobile app too. For instance, the GUI part of an Android app can be written in Java while the app backend can use Golang.


  1. Golang is capable of compiling directly to machine code without using an interpreter.

  2. Go is simple for software developers, especially those who already have a solid understanding of C and Java.

  3. Go language has Goroutines, which are functions that can run simultaneously and independently. Goroutines occupy just 2 KB of memory, making them adaptable when several concurrent processes are required to run.


  1. A programmer might need to code hundreds of lines to perform the same task, but it could be accomplished using a few lines in Python.

  2. Though error handling is not perfect in Go, the imperfectness of it could get you. Solutions are still being searched for, and proposals have come up for error handling.

  3. The simplicity of the language could be an issue, as it makes it superficial. And in an effort to make it simple, the language wasted several years of programming language progress.

2. Python

Python makes the task easier to engage in modern programming strategies. Python has several powerful libraries with a huge amount of pre-written code. Hence developers don't need to write the code from scratch, thereby speeding up the development time. This makes it an ideal choice to use Python for backend development.



  1. Python is high-level programming language which makes it easier to read and understand the code.

  2. The simplicity of Python makes developers to mainly focus on the solving the problem, not wasting their time on syntax or behavior of the programming language.

  3. Python directly execute the code line by line.

  4. Python comes under OSI approved open-source license. This makes it free to use and distribute. You can download the source code, modify it and distribute your version of python.


  1. As python is interpreted and dynamically-types language. The line by line execution of code leads to slow execution.

  2. To provide simplicity to the developer, Python has to do a little tradeoff. The Python programming language uses a large amount of memory.

  3. Python is not memory efficient and it has slow processing power as compared to other languages.

  4. A variable containing integer number may hold a string in the future, which can lead to Runtime Errors.

->Blockchain Development: Solidity and Python

Blockchain development refers to building, maintaining, and designing blockchain applications and systems. Overall, it seeks to use the unique features of blockchain technology to solve problems and create opportunities. An example of innovative blockchain development is the smart contract.

1. Solidity

Solidity is the most used and stable Blockchain Programming Languages. Solidity is an object-oriented programming language created specifically by the Ethereum Network team for constructing and designing smart contracts on Blockchain platforms. It's used to create smart contracts that implement business logic and generate a chain of transaction records in the blockchain system.


  1. Statically typed Blockchain Programming language - Solidity provides a stable and more flexible coding pattern for smart contracts ;

  2. User-friendly - Easy-to-use feature of Solidity makes it flexible;

  3. Provides high accuracy rate – Solidity provides a secure, reliable and accurate medium for various sources in framing smart contracts between two parties.

  4. Application Binary Interface (ABI) - Multiple type-safe functions are present in Solidity because of ABI.


  1. Inherently difficult to reason about – In Solidity once a contract is made it cannot be altered if needed. Additional feature cannot be added to the contract;

  2. Sometimes it might fail to achieve sufficient code coverage concerning smart contracts;

  3. Deficiency of centralized documentation of known vulnerabilities.

2. Python

Creating Blockchain using Python, mining new blocks, and displaying the whole blockchain: The data will be stored in JSON format which is very easy to implement and easy to read. The data is stored in a block and the block contains multiple data.


  1. Extensible features - Python executes the line one by one which makes it easier to detect and debug errors;

  2. Object-Oriented Programming language - Due to simplicity of this language users can focus more time on understanding the coding rather than framing syntax;

  3. Extensive library - You don’t have to depend on external libraries as python’s own library is huge;

  4. Comparatively short codings - It’s English-like syntax makes it easy to use and access.


  1. Weak in cell phone devices - It is rigid for phones;

  2. Frequent run-time errors - Python is a dynamically typed language which means sometimes data type of variables can be changed, the string might hold and integer value causing errors in the output;

  3. Memory consuming language - As it occupies an ample amount of memory it takes more time for execution.

->System Development: Rust and C++

Systems development is the process of defining, designing, testing, and implementing a new software application or program. It could include the internal development of customized systems, the creation of database systems, or the acquisition of third party developed software.

1. Rust

The Rust systems programming language combines that control with a modern type system that catches broad classes of common mistakes, from memory management errors to data races between threads.


  1. Strong support of generics

  2. Guaranteed Safety

  3. Complexity of code

  4. Rich patterns and Syntax

  5. Easy Integration with C and several languages

  6. Zero cost abstraction

  7. Predictable run time behavior

  8. Saves time in debugging and testing

  9. Strong community support


  1. Complex programming language

  2. A Steep learning curve

  3. Rust is slow to compile

2. C++

C++ is a fast and strongly-typed programming language which makes it an ideal choice for developing operating systems. Mac OS X has large amounts written in C++. Most of the software from Microsoft like Windows, Microsoft Office, IDE Visual Studio, and Internet Explorer are also written in C++.


  1. C++ is a highly portable language and is often the language of selection for multi-device, multi-platform app development.

  2. C++ is an object-oriented programming language and includes concepts like classes, inheritance, polymorphism, data abstraction, and encapsulation which allow code reusability and makes programs very maintainable.

  3. C++ use multi-paradigm programming. The Paradigm means the style of programming .paradigm concerned about logics, structure, and procedure of the program. C++ is multi-paradigm means it follows three paradigm Generic, Imperative, Object Oriented.

  4. It is useful for the low-level programming language and very efficient for general purpose.


  1. One major problem in C++ is when the info points to an equivalent thing from two different starting points, this causes a serious problem, the C++ program will still have involved problems within the coding.

  2. Java’s uni-code to the ASCII rules is 16-bit, while C++ program is 8-bit only, So, C++ may be a less impressive programming language but saves the memory.

  3. C++ program is complex during a very large high-level program, C++ is employed for platform-specific application commonly, For the actual OS or platform, the library set is typically chosen.

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