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The Tech Platform
Aug 9, 2021
Angular Preloading Strategies
Angular modules are chunks of code that can be imported into various parts of your application. A module can contain grouped pieces of...

The Tech Platform
Jul 30, 2021
Web Authentication: Cookies vs. Tokens
In this article, you will get to learn how to Choose Between Cookies and Tokens in Web Authentication. In today's digital landscape,...

The Tech Platform
Jul 30, 2021
How to query with GraphQL?
Getting too much data than what is needed, getting less data than we want, querying multiple endpoints for required data. These are some...

The Tech Platform
Jul 27, 2021
Getting started with GraphQL in Python with FastAPI and Graphene
What is GraphQL GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling those queries with your existing data. GraphQL provides...

The Tech Platform
Jul 16, 2021
What is the JavaScript Map function?
JavaScript used to be limited in its collection capabilities. While other programming languages offered sets, associative maps, lists,...

The Tech Platform
Jul 12, 2021
5 Utility Types For Transforming Types in Typescript
One of the great things about typescript is its flexibility. You can transform, change, and create new types using existing types. In...

The Tech Platform
Jul 10, 2021
Introduction to HTTP/2. What's wrong with HTTP 1.1?
HTTP/2 is the first upgrade to the Hypertext Transfer Protocol since 1999. It’s goal is to improve website performance by optimizing how...

The Tech Platform
Jun 30, 2021
Real-time Streaming with SignalR and Angular
SignalR is a tool that helps web servers and clients communicate in real time. It does this by using a variety of different transports,...

The Tech Platform
Feb 26, 2021
What is the JSON data format and JSON document database?
You might have come across JSON before, but like many, you might be unsure of its meaning. JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation,...

The Tech Platform
Jun 14, 2020
How to Create a Login Page with Firebase and Angular
In this tutorial, we will learn how to create a login page with Firebase and Angular and enable Google Sign-In as the authentication...
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