The Tech PlatformJul 16, 2021JavaScriptWhat is the JavaScript Map function?JavaScript used to be limited in its collection capabilities. While other programming languages offered sets, associative maps, lists,...
The Tech PlatformJan 14, 2021PHPHow to Fix Laravel CSRF Token Mismatch Error From AJAX RequestCSRF is an attack that forces an end user to execute unwanted actions on a web application where they are currently authenticated....
The Tech PlatformJun 22, 2020C#Why Does An Abstract Class Need A Constructor?Abstract classes, a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming, serve as blueprints for other classes, providing a structure that...
The Tech PlatformMay 3, 2020AngularHow to Upload a File Image with Angular File or Image upload is an essential component to make a form that stores some image kind of data. It helps in applications using image...