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The Tech Platform
Aug 18, 2021
The hat (^) and range (..) operators in C#
The hat operator (^) and range operator (..) provide a different syntax for accessing elements in an array: Span, or ReadOnlySpan. The...

The Tech Platform
Aug 18, 2021
10 lifesaving HTML/CSS tricks for designers
Learning new things brings both joy and frustration, and development sits on the top of the frustration pyramid. Sadly, most job offers...

The Tech Platform
Aug 9, 2021
Angular Preloading Strategies
Angular modules are chunks of code that can be imported into various parts of your application. A module can contain grouped pieces of...

The Tech Platform
Jul 29, 2021
What is difference between i++ and ++i?
++i and i++ both increment the value of i by 1 but in a different way. If ++ precedes the variable, it is called pre-increment operator...

The Tech Platform
Jul 27, 2021
How to Export Sketch to HTML
Automatically generate HTML from a Sketch design Anima allows designers to create fully responsive prototypes that look and work exactly...

The Tech Platform
Jul 27, 2021
How to Print Emoji in Python
Everything in memory is stored in binary format. The same way emojis are. But it is difficult to identify the emojis in binary format....

The Tech Platform
Jul 27, 2021
Array Destructuring in JavaScript
Destructuring is an ECMAScript 6 (ES6/ECMAScript 2015) feature. When it comes to arrays, destructuring is basically a way to unpack...

The Tech Platform
Jul 27, 2021
Color Guide in CSS/HTML
With CSS, colors can be specified in different ways: By color names As RGB values As hexadecimal values As HSL values (CSS3) As HWB...

The Tech Platform
Jul 20, 2021
Loading Buttons in CSS
To use the Font Awesome icons, add the following line inside the <head> section of your HTML page: <link rel="stylesheet"...

The Tech Platform
Jul 17, 2021
What are the Different types of CSS.
Cascading Style Sheet(CSS) is used to set the style in web pages that contain HTML elements. It sets the background color, font-size,...
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