In this article, we will explore how to build a haiku generator to run on the blockchain using machine learning.

Table of content:
What is Haiku Generator?
Benefits of Haiku Generator on Blockchain
Steps to create Haiku Generator
In recent years, the combination of blockchain and machine learning has become increasingly popular as developers look for ways to leverage the unique strengths of each technology.
Blockchain provides a secure and transparent way to store and share data, while machine learning allows for the creation of intelligent applications that can learn and adapt over time. In this article, we will explore how to build a haiku generator to run on the blockchain using machine learning.
What is Haiku Generator?
A haiku generator is an application that uses machine learning algorithms to generate Japanese haiku poetry. Haiku is a traditional form of Japanese poetry that consists of three lines, with a total of 17 syllables. The first and third lines have five syllables each, while the second line has seven syllables.
A haiku generator typically uses a machine learning model to analyze a large corpus of haiku poetry and learn patterns and structures that are commonly used in haiku. Once the model has been trained, it can generate new haiku poetry based on the learned patterns and structures.
Haiku generators can be used for various purposes, such as generating new poetry for artistic or educational purposes, or for automated content creation in marketing or advertising. By leveraging machine learning algorithms and natural language processing techniques, haiku generators can create high-quality poetry that is comparable to human-written poetry.
Benefits of Haiku Generator on Blockchain
The benefits of using a haiku generator on the blockchain include:
Transparency and immutability: By using the blockchain to store and execute the haiku generator, all transactions and interactions with the haiku generator are recorded on a decentralized and immutable ledger. This ensures transparency and accountability, as all users can verify the authenticity and integrity of the generated haiku.
Decentralization: The blockchain enables the haiku generator to operate in a decentralized and distributed manner, without relying on a central authority or server. This ensures that the haiku generator is always accessible and available, even in the event of a network failure or outage.
Security: By leveraging the security features of the blockchain, such as cryptography and consensus algorithms, the haiku generator can ensure that all generated haiku are secure and tamper-proof. This is particularly important for applications that require high levels of security, such as financial or legal applications.
Community involvement: The decentralized nature of the blockchain enables users to participate in the development and evolution of the haiku generator, by contributing to the codebase, proposing improvements or modifications, or voting on important decisions related to the haiku generator.
Scalability: By using the blockchain, the haiku generator can scale to handle large volumes of requests and interactions, without sacrificing performance or reliability. This is particularly important for applications that require high levels of throughput, such as e-commerce or social media applications.
Steps to Build a Haiku Generator to run on Blockchain using Machine Learning
Here we will provide a step-by-step guide to create a haiku generator that can generate unique haikus using machine learning and store them on the blockchain.
Step 1: Selecting the Blockchain Platform
We first need to select a blockchain platform to use for our haiku generator. Ethereum is a popular and versatile platform that provides a robust development environment for building smart contracts. We will use Solidity, a smart contract programming language, to write our haiku generator contract.
Step 2: Writing the Haiku Generator Contract
Our haiku generator contract will have two main functions: the "generateHaiku" function and the "storeHaiku" function. The generateHaiku function will be responsible for generating the haiku, while the storeHaiku function will be responsible for storing the haiku on the blockchain.
The generateHaiku function will use a machine learning algorithm to generate the haiku. We can write the machine learning model in Python and then import it into our Solidity contract. We will train our machine learning model on a large dataset of haikus to ensure that the generated haikus are of high quality and follow the traditional haiku format.
The storeHaiku function will use the Ethereum blockchain's storage capabilities to store the haiku on the blockchain. We can use the Solidity programming language to define a struct that represents a haiku and then use a mapping to store the haiku struct on the blockchain.
Here is an example Solidity code for the haiku generator contract:
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
contract HaikuGenerator
struct Haiku
string firstLine;
string secondLine;
string thirdLine;
mapping(uint256 => Haiku) public haikus;
uint256 public haikuCount;
function generateHaiku() public returns (string memory)
// code for generating the haiku using machine learning
function storeHaiku(string memory _firstLine, string memory _secondLine, string memory _thirdLine) public
haikus[haikuCount] = Haiku(_firstLine, _secondLine, _thirdLine);
Step 3: Creating a Web Interface
To interact with our haiku generator contract, we will create a web interface using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The web interface will allow users to generate a haiku and view previously generated haikus stored on the blockchain. We will use the Web3.js library to interact with our haiku generator contract on the blockchain.
Here is an example HTML code for the haiku generator web interface:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<head><title>Haiku Generator</title>
<h1>Haiku Generator</h1>
<input type="button" value="Generate Haiku" onclick="generateHaiku()" />
<div id="haiku-container"></div>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="./app.js"></script>
Step 4: Writing the JavaScript Code
We will write the JavaScript code that will interact with our haiku generator contract and display the generated haikus on the web interface. We will use the Web3.js library to connect to the Ethereum blockchain and call the functions in our haiku generator contract.
Here is an example JavaScript code for the haiku generator web interface:
const contractAddress = "YOUR_CONTRACT_ADDRESS";
const abi = YOUR_CONTRACT_ABI;
const web3 = new Web3(Web3.givenProvider || "http://localhost:8545");
const haikuGenerator = new web3.eth.Contract(abi, contractAddress);
async function generateHaiku()
const haiku = await haikuGenerator.methods.generateHaiku().call();
function displayHaiku(haiku)
const haikuContainer = document.getElementById("haiku-container");
const haikuElement = document.createElement("div");
haikuElement.innerHTML = `<p>${haiku.firstLine}</p><p>${haiku.secondLine}</p><p>${haiku.thirdLine}</p>`;
In this code, we first define the contract address and ABI (Application Binary Interface) of our haiku generator contract. We then use the Web3.js library to create an instance of our contract and connect to the Ethereum blockchain.
The generateHaiku function calls the generateHaiku function in our haiku generator contract and returns the generated haiku. The displayHaiku function takes the generated haiku and creates an HTML element to display it on the web interface.
Step 5: Deploying the Haiku Generator Contract
We will use the Remix IDE, a web-based Solidity development environment, to deploy our haiku generator contract on the Ethereum blockchain. We can then copy the contract address and ABI into our JavaScript code and web interface.
To deploy the haiku generator contract onto the Ethereum blockchain using Remix IDE, we can follow these steps:
STEP 1: Open Remix IDE and create a new Solidity file.
STEP 2: Copy and paste the Solidity code for the haiku generator contract into the new Solidity file.
STEP 3: Compile the Solidity code by clicking on the "Compile" button in Remix IDE. If there are any errors in the Solidity code, they will be displayed in the "Compilation Details" section.
STEP 4: Once the Solidity code has been successfully compiled, switch to the "Run" tab in Remix IDE.
STEP 5: In the "Deploy & Run Transactions" section, select the appropriate contract from the drop-down menu.
STEP 6: Select the appropriate network from the drop-down menu, such as "Injected Web3" if using a local blockchain like Ganache or "Ropsten Test Network" if using a public Ethereum test network.
STEP 7: Click on the "Deploy" button to deploy the haiku generator contract onto the selected network.
STEP 8: Once the contract has been deployed, the contract address and ABI (Application Binary Interface) will be displayed in the "Deployed Contracts" section.
STEP 9: Copy the contract address and ABI and paste them into the JavaScript code and web interface that will interact with the haiku generator contract.
By deploying the haiku generator contract onto the Ethereum blockchain, we can ensure that the haiku generator is secure and transparent, as all transactions and interactions with the contract are recorded on the blockchain and can be audited by anyone. Additionally, by using a decentralized blockchain network, we can ensure that the haiku generator is always available and accessible, as there is no single point of failure or censorship.
Step 6: Testing the Haiku Generator
We can now test our haiku generator by visiting the web interface and clicking the "Generate Haiku" button. The generateHaiku function in our haiku generator contract will be called, and the generated haiku will be displayed on the web interface. We can also view previously generated haikus by scrolling down the web page.
In this article, we explored how to build a haiku generator to run on the blockchain using machine learning. We used Solidity to write our haiku generator contract, trained a machine learning model to generate haikus, and created a web interface to interact with our contract. By leveraging the unique strengths of blockchain and machine learning, we were able to create a secure and transparent haiku generator that anyone can use and contribute to.