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Export or Import SSL Certificates in windows server using Microsoft Management Console

Updated: Mar 21, 2023

Export an SSL certificate from windows server.

Steps Involved:

  • Go to Start => Run => Type MMC and then click on Ok.

  • In Microsoft Management Console, Click on the File menu and then click on Add\Remove Snap-in...

  • In the Add or Remove Snap-ins wizard, select Certificates from the available snap-ins and then click on Add.

  • Select My user account and click on Finish.

  • Certificate will be added and click on Ok.

  • In the left pane expand Certificates, and then expand Personal.

  • Click on Certificates folder.

  • Right click on the certificate, click on All Tasks and then click on Export.

  • Certificate Export Wizard will pop up, click on Next.

  • In the Export File Format select DER encoded binary X.509 (.CER) format.

  • Click on Next.

  • In the File to Export click on browse, select the location and enter the Name.

  • Click on Save, the certificate will be saved.

  • In the Certificate Export Wizard, click on Finish.

  • You will be getting the following pop up, click on Ok.

  • The certificate is exported successfully.

Import an SSL certificate to the windows server:

Steps Involved:

  • Go to Start => Run => Type MMC and then click on Ok.

  • In Microsoft Management Console, Click on the File menu and then click on Add\Remove Snap-in...

  • In the Add or Remove Snap-ins wizard, select Certificates from the available snap-ins and then click on Add.

  • Select My user account and click on Finish.

  • Certificate will be added and click on Ok.

  • In the left pane expand Certificates, right click on the Personal folder, click on All Tasks and then click on Import.

  • Certificate Import Wizard will pop up, click on Next.

  • Click on Browse and select the certificate to be imported.

  • Click on Next.

  • Select where the certificated should be stored.

  • Click on Finish.

  • You will be getting the following pop up, click on Ok.

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