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The Tech Platform
Feb 4, 2022
R vs Python: A Battle of Data Science Titans
In data science and machine learning, two programming powerhouses, R and Python, reign supreme. As two of the most popular and...

The Tech Platform
Jan 25, 2022
Arrow Functions in JavaScript
ES6 Arrow functions provide you with an alternative way to write a shorter syntax compared to the function expression. The following are...

The Tech Platform
Jan 22, 2022
11 Best Angular UI Component Libraries
User Interface makes the first impression about your application on users mind. A good User Interface encourages the user to use the...

The Tech Platform
Jan 9, 2022
Hex() function in Python
hex() function is one of the built-in functions in Python3, which is used to convert an integer number into it’s corresponding...

The Tech Platform
Dec 16, 2021
Program to Print Factorial of a Number in Python
Factorial is a non-negative integer. It is the product of all positive integers less than or equal to that number you ask for factorial....

The Tech Platform
Dec 10, 2021
Write a program to Multiply the List in Python
This program allows user to define the size of list, then further ask to enter all the numbers of given size. For example, if user enters...

The Tech Platform
Dec 8, 2021
C# : Authentication Methods
There are many ways in which we can achieve authentication in our C# applications. This is why in this article we’ll see seven services...

The Tech Platform
Nov 23, 2021
CSS Grid Layout Properties with Examples
Grid The CSS Grid Layout Module offers a grid-based layout system, with rows and columns, making it easier to design web pages without...

The Tech Platform
Nov 12, 2021
Dynamic Data Transfer Object in .Net Core
In c# to assemble property values from source to destination can be achieved by mapping source DTO properties to destination DTO class...

The Tech Platform
Nov 12, 2021
How to use IDisposable in ASP.NET Core
In ASP.NET Core, the IDisposable interface provides a mechanism for releasing unmanaged resources used by a class. It allows developers...
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