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What is OneNote? What are the Features? How to create Notebook in OneNote in Microsoft.

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OneNote is an Electronic Notebook which allow us to organize the notes, articles, posts, information into single digital book. In OneNote, You can Add Pictures, Audio Clips, Website links, Files, Documents and screenshots. These all features of the OneNote helps you to make Interesting, Presentable and Upto the point.


Below are the features of OneNote, which are described in details:

1. Page Decoration

You can make your data or page more presentable by adding Tables, Page color , Rule lines, Stickers.

If you want to add the table in your page. click in INSERT -> TABLE. Select how many rows and columns you need to make the table.

To Change the color of the page. Click on VIEW -> PAGE COLOR. Select which ever color you want.

To Add the rule line to you page. Click on VIEW -> RULE LINES. Select which type of lines you want vertically or horizontally.

To Add stickers to your document, Click on INSERT -> STICKERS.

2. Online Videos

To add online videos or any web clips, Click on INSERT -> ONLINE VIDEOS. Add the url of the video and then click OK.

The Video will added .

3. Researcher

The Research helps you quickly look up information. This pane helps you research a specific word or term. The Research Pane in OneNote can help you check spelling, find an alternate word, or just generally research a word.

Step 1:

Click on INSERT. In the right corner, next to stickers. click on the researcher.

Step 2:

You can type any word, Institute name, People etc. For Example, I typed Tech so you can see in the image below that I got the result related to Tech.

4. Recording

You can the your recording in the notes . Click on the AUDIO. You can start recording you voice. This feature of Voice recording is very useful. This recording can help people to understand more clearly then simply reading the notes. This feature may helps to clear the doubts.

5. Link

While making notes, we need to add Links in our Notebook or our document. In OneNote , You can add link to you Notes easily.

Go to INSERT -> LINK . Then below box will appear. Write the Text to display and then Add the link.


The Link is added to you page.

6. Translate Text

This feature is very important while making notes. Sometimes the notes are distributed to different states or country where the languages barrier is the biggest problem.

This feature of OneNote has solved the language problem.

You can change the text to German, Dutch, Hindi, Japanese, Chinese and many other languages.

Follow the below steps to translate the text to other language.

Step 1:


Step 2:

Select the word, sentence or paragraph which you want to translate. Then Click on TRANSLATE.

You can also set the language. When you will set the language then whenever you will click on translate button option that word or line will be translated to that particular language.

Step 3:

After Clicking translate, in right side, below image will be displayed. Select the language in which you want to change the text. For example I have selected two Languages Hindi and German

Step 4:

When you will select the language, then click INSERT button.

Step 5:

Below is the image where you will see that the paragraph is translated to 2 different languages Hindi and German.

There will error when you will translate the paragraph into different language. This is because our computer dictionary is set to English language.

7. Math Equations

You can solve some of the Math Equations in OneNote.

Below are the steps by which you can solve the math equation easily.

Step 1: First, Write any math equation which you want to solve. For example, I wrote x2 + 3x+2=0. Either you can type the equation or you can draw the equation using pencil.

Step 2: After writing the equation, Go to DRAW and then click on select. See the image below for the clarification. Select the equation.

Step 3: When you will select the equation, then click on MATH. Click on DRAW. In the right corner you will find MATH option.

Step 4: Then you will click on SELECT THE ACTION, in which you will get 3 options as the image below.

  1. Solve for x: where you will get the value for x.

  2. Graph both sides in 2D: Graph will be created .

  3. Graph in 2D: Graph is created.

For Example, I have selected the option "Solve for X".

Step 5: After Selecting the option you will get the results. And there is another option where you get the steps to solve that problem. See the image below to see the solution with different possibility.

Step 6: Select any of the option. You will see the results. see the image below:

Step 7: And then you just need to drag and drop the solution.

See the image below:

8. Documents or files

You can add Files or the Documents in your notes.

Select INSERT -> FILES. Select the options (see below image .)

The document is added in the page.

9. stickers

These stickers are used to make your notes Interesting, Attractive and Presentable.

10. Immersive Reader

This is the tool to improve the reading and writing for people. This us full screen reading experience to increase readability of the content in OneNote.

In this you change the do the following :

  1. Change the size of the text.

  2. Change the font.

  3. Can change the speed of the text.

  4. Can change the background color.

  5. You can highlight nouns, Adjectives, Adverbs and verbs which is very useful for the students.

  6. You can do line focus: it can be one line or more than one line.

  7. You can change the languages of the whole text or Particular word.

  8. You can change the voice : male or female

Below are some of the images by which you will understand more clearly.

Create Notebook in OneNote.

Step 1:

Click on OneNote in Microsoft 365. In Left Navigation, click +ADD NOTEBOOK. See the image below for more clarity.

"MORE NOTEBOOKS" option is to search the notebook. This will display all the notebook which you have created till now.

Step 2:

After Click on +ADD NOTEBOOK, write the name of your notebook. For Example, name of my Notebook is Students.

Step 3:

When the Notebook "students" is created. You can add Section and pages in that particular notebook.

See the image below. I have created two section, section 1 and section 2.

You just need to click on the +ADD SECTION and name it. That all you have to do. You can create as my sections according to your requirements.

Step 4: Now every section must have pages. So, the way you have create the Section, same way you have to create the +ADD PAGE.

Select the Section in which you want to create the page. Then Click + ADD PAGE and then name it.

see the image below:

There are the steps through which you can make the notebook with different sections and pages.

Follow the above steps whenever you want to make the New Notebook or New Section or New Page.

If you have any doubt or want to ask any question or information, feel free to ask.

Sofia Sondh

The Tech Platform



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