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What is JavaScript Closure

JavaScript closures are one of the fundamental concepts in JavaScript. Closures allow a function to have access to the variables and parameters that were present in the scope where the function was created, even after that scope has been destroyed. In this article, we'll explore what closures are, and how they work, and provide examples to help you understand the concept better.

What is a Closure?

A closure is a function that has access to the variables and parameters of its outer function. In other words, it's a function that "remembers" the environment in which it was created. This allows the closure to access and manipulate the variables and parameters of its outer function, even after that function has returned.

How do Closures Work?

Closures work by creating a new environment for each function call. This environment includes all of the variables and parameters that were present in the scope where the function was created. When the function is called, it has access to this environment, even if that environment no longer exists.

Here's an example to illustrate this concept:

function outer() 
    var x = 10;    
    function inner() 
    return inner; 
var closure = outer(); 
closure(); // logs 10

In this example, outer() creates a variable x with a value of 10. It also defines a new function inner() which simply logs the value of x to the console.

outer() then returns inner() as a function object. This means that closure now refers to the inner() function.

Finally, we call closure(). This logs 10 to the console, even though x is not defined within the scope of closure(). This is because closure() has access to the environment in which it was created, which includes the variable x.

Benefits of Closures

Closures have a number of benefits, including:

  • Encapsulation: Closures allow you to create private variables and functions. By defining these within the scope of a closure, you can ensure that they are not accessible from outside the closure.

  • Memory Efficiency: Closures can help reduce memory usage by allowing you to reuse a single function object instead of creating a new function object each time the closure is called.

  • Asynchronous Operations: Closures can be used to maintain state across asynchronous operations. This can be useful for implementing callbacks or event handlers.

  • Data privacy: Because closures allow functions to access and modify variables outside of their own scope, they can be used to create private variables that are inaccessible from outside the function. This helps to prevent data from being unintentionally modified or accessed.

  • Higher-order functions: Closures can be used to create higher-order functions, which are functions that take one or more functions as arguments, or return a function as their result. This allows for greater flexibility and abstraction in code and can make code more reusable and modular.

Examples of Closures

Example 1: Private Variables

function counter() 
    var count = 0;    
    function increment() 
    return increment; 
var counter1 = counter(); 
counter1(); // logs 1
counter1(); // logs 2
var counter2 = counter(); 
counter2(); // logs 1

In this example, counter() creates a private variable count which is not accessible from outside the closure. It also defines a function increment() which increments the count and logs it to the console.

counter() then returns increment() as a function object. This means that counter1 and counter2 now refer to two separate instances of the increment() function.

When we call counter1() twice, it logs 1 and 2 respectively, because each call increments its own count variable.

When we call counter2(), it logs 1 because the count is a private variable and is not shared between the two closures.

Example 2: Asynchronous Operations

function loadImage(url) 
    var image = new Image();   
    image.src = url;    
    return function() 
        console.log('Image loaded: ' +  url); 
var img1 = loadImage(''); 
var img2 = loadImage('');
setTimeout(img1, 1000); 
setTimeout(img2, 2000);

In this example, `loadImage()` creates a new `Image` object with the specified URL and returns a closure that logs a message to the console when the image is loaded. We then call `loadImage()` twice to create two separate closures, one for each image. We store these closures in the `img1` and `img2` variables.

Finally, we use `setTimeout()` to schedule each closure to be called after a certain amount of time. This demonstrates how closures can be used to maintain state across asynchronous operations.


Closures are an important concept in JavaScript and are used extensively in modern web development. By allowing a function to have access to the variables and parameters of its outer function, closures enable powerful programming techniques such as encapsulation and asynchronous operations.

We hope this article has provided a clear understanding of closures in JavaScript. By using the examples provided, you can start using closures in your own code to improve its functionality and efficiency.


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