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Valo Ideas – share your best ideas directly through Microsoft Teams

Valo Ideas is the natural evolution for Valo Idea Management. Now it’s brought back to life with a brand new user interface within Microsoft Teams! The idea behind Valo Ideas is that you can share your ideas with colleagues in a fun, productive, and transparent way. Utilizing Microsoft Teams as the main idea feeding system, you log the idea from the top of your mind before it’s gone again!

When you share the ideas with the team, they can like, comment and co-innovate! What’s better than take the ideas to the next level together. As all ideas are gathered under one dashboard, it is easy for anyone to follow the ideas and what kind of feedback they receive. Finally, all managers, HR, or R&D department can pick their favorite and most mature ones for execution!

With this ideation tool, it is easy to create a little bit better workplace whether it is by having a better coffee for the office or new feature idea for your product.

With Valo Ideas anyone can become an idea contributor. Utilizing swarm intelligence only the sky is the limit!

Log your ideas directly to Microsoft Teams before they slip your mind

Everyone knows the feeling of a great idea popping in mind and when it would actually be useful, it’s long gone. Ideas usually hit you when you least expect them to, while at the shower, chopping some vegetables or while casually chatting with your colleague.

Therefore it’s important to catch them before your mind is taken over something completely different. With Valo Ideas, you can easily log your ideas through Microsoft Teams. After your idea is in, Valo Idea bot will take care of the rest and you only have to wait and see it to rocket to the moon as others will give their input and cheers to it.

Only the sky is the limit when you provide a common ideation tool for your organization!

Give your employees voice

It’s not only the slippery ideas that Valo Ideas can capture. It’s taking advantage of swarm intelligence where people from different departments, skillsets, and background can bring their perspectives together. When it comes to ideation, sometimes the more cooks in the kitchen, the better the end result! With this innovation tool sharing the idea is made simple! Using digital channels can also lower the threshold to speak up and share them. Ideas can be anything from a new coffee machine in the local office kitchen area to global.

Just wait for it! The countdown is on and the Valo Ideas launched in a matter of weeks!

Don’t let your ideas slip away! Get in touch and we’ll show you how easy and fun it is to take advantage of Microsoft Teams as your innovation engine.




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