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Top 5 JavaScript Library that you can use to Create Tables

Updated: Jul 20, 2023

Tables are essential elements for organizing and presenting data in web applications. JavaScript libraries provide convenient solutions for creating dynamic and interactive tables with various features. In this article, we will explore the top six JavaScript libraries—Tabulator, DataTables, Handsontable, ag-Grid, and React Table. Each library will be described, along with its pros and cons, to help you choose the right one for your project.

A JavaScript library that is used to create tables in Web Applications provides a set of pre-built functions, components, and utilities that simplify the process of generating, managing, and customizing tables in web applications. The library offers a range of features such as sorting, filtering, pagination, data manipulation, and styling options. They aim to streamline the development process by providing an API or framework that handles the underlying table functionality, allowing developers to focus on the presentation and interaction aspects of the table.

Top 5 JavaScript Library

There are multiple JavaScript libraries available for creating tables in web applications. Below we have the top 5 JavaScript Library which we have selected for you:

1. Tabulator:

Tabulator is a JavaScript library that provides a flexible and feature-rich solution for creating interactive and customizable tables in web applications. It offers a comprehensive set of functionalities, including sorting, filtering, pagination, data manipulation, and more. Tabulator stands out for its user-friendly API, extensive customization options, and focus on performance.

Tabulator JavaScript Library

Tabulator emphasizes performance, making it suitable for handling large datasets efficiently. It employs smart rendering techniques and provides features like virtualization, enabling smooth scrolling and fast data manipulation.


  • Easy to set up and use, with comprehensive documentation and examples.

  • Supports various data sources, including JSON, CSV, and AJAX.

  • Provides responsive layouts for optimal display on different devices.

  • Offers a wide range of customization options for appearance and behavior.

  • Emphasizes performance, making it suitable for handling large datasets.


  • Requires additional effort for complex layouts or advanced customization.

  • Limited native support for advanced features like formulas or cell validation.

2. DataTables:

DataTables is a widely-used JavaScript library that provides a comprehensive set of tools for creating interactive and feature-rich tables in web applications. It offers functionalities like sorting, searching, pagination, and data manipulation, making it easier to handle and present tabular data effectively. With DataTables, developers can easily integrate and configure tables by initializing the library with minimal code.

DataTables JavaScript Library

The library offers advanced features like column filtering, multi-column sorting, and responsive design, making it highly adaptable to different scenarios. DataTables also provides extensive documentation, examples, and a vibrant community that contributes plugins and resources to enhance its functionality.


  • Simple integration and easy-to-use API.

  • Supports a wide range of features, including column filtering, multi-column sorting, and responsive design.

  • Provides excellent performance, even with large datasets.

  • Extensive community support and regular updates.


  • Limited customization options for appearance.

  • Requires additional plugins for advanced features like server-side processing or complex layouts.

  • Can be resource-intensive with large datasets or complex operations.

3. Handsontable:

Handsontable is a JavaScript library that enables developers to create editable and spreadsheet-like tables in web applications. It provides a user-friendly interface and a wide range of features to enhance data manipulation and visualization.

Handsontable JavaScript Library

It offers a familiar spreadsheet-like experience, allowing users to edit cell values, apply formulas, format data, and perform various data manipulation operations.

Handsontable provides a rich set of customization options, including the ability to define custom cell renderers and editors, which allows developers to adapt the table's appearance and behavior to match their application's requirements.

It also support data validation, allowing developers to define rules and constraints for cell values, ensuring data integrity and accuracy. It also offers built-in support for exporting table data to various formats such as CSV or Excel.

The library has comprehensive documentation, including examples and guides, to assist developers in effectively utilizing its features. Additionally, Handsontable has an active community that contributes plugins and provides support for troubleshooting and resolving issues.


  • Offers a rich set of features suitable for creating complex tables with spreadsheet-like functionality.

  • Supports real-time data updates and synchronization.

  • Provides a wide range of customization options for appearance and behavior.

  • Integrates well with other libraries and frameworks.


  • Comparatively complex to set up and configure.

  • May have a steeper learning curve, especially for users unfamiliar with spreadsheet concepts.

  • Limited support for large datasets or heavy data manipulation.

4. ag-Grid:

ag-Grid is a JavaScript library designed to create advanced and high-performance data grids and tables in web applications. ag-Grid stands out for its exceptional performance, even when dealing with extensive datasets or complex operations. It uses efficient rendering techniques, such as virtualization, to ensure fast loading times and smooth scrolling.

It supports column pinning, resizing, and reordering, giving users full control over table layout and organization. ag-Grid also offers server-side data processing capabilities for handling massive datasets efficiently.

ag-Grid JavaScript Library

It allows developers to define custom cell renderers, editors, and formatters, giving them complete control over the appearance and behavior of the grid. The library supports a wide range of themes, styles, and predefined templates, enabling seamless integration with different application designs.


  • Excellent performance even with extensive datasets or complex operations.

  • Provides a comprehensive set of features for advanced data grid requirements.

  • Supports a wide range of customization options, including custom cell renderers and editors.

  • Offers built-in support for server-side data processing.


  • Can be overwhelming for simple table requirements.

  • The free version may have limitations compared to the enterprise version.

  • Requires understanding of the library's concepts and configuration options.

5. React Table:

React Table is a JavaScript library specifically designed for creating tables in React applications. It provides a flexible and customizable table component with a rich set of features, making it easier to manage and present tabular data.

React Table JavaScript Library

React Table offers a straightforward API that integrates seamlessly with React applications. It allows developers to define columns, specify data sources, and customize the table's appearance and behavior using React components and props.

React Table is known for its performance optimizations. It leverages techniques like virtualization and memoization to ensure smooth rendering and efficient handling of large datasets. The library provides features like lazy loading, enabling the fetching of data on-demand, which is particularly useful for paginated or infinite-scroll tables.


  • Designed specifically for React applications, ensuring seamless integration and a React-like development experience.

  • Provides a rich set of features while maintaining a straightforward API.

  • Extensive customization options through renderers and hooks.

  • Active community support and frequent updates.


  • Requires familiarity with React concepts and development practices.

  • Advanced customization may require deeper knowledge of React Table's internals.

  • Smaller learning curve compared to more complex data grid libraries.

The Difference:

JavaScript Library


Ease of Use


Customization Options

Data Sources


Sorting, filtering, pagination, data manipulation






Sorting, searching, pagination, multiple data sources






Sorting, filtering, formulas, cell formatting






Sorting, filtering, column grouping, large dataset support





React Table

Sorting, filtering, pagination






Selecting the right JavaScript library for creating tables depends on the specific requirements of your project. Tabulator, DataTables, Handsontable, ag-Grid, and React Table are among the top choices available. Consider the features, ease of use, performance, and customization options of each library to determine which one best suits your needs. Remember to explore the documentation and examples provided by each library to maximize their potential in creating powerful and interactive tables for your web applications.

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