In this article we will be seeing about the Title, description and navigation for SharePoint list using PowerShell and c#.
Go to Document Library => Library Settings => General Settings =>Title, description and navigation.
Name and Description:
Using C#
using (SPSite site = newSPSite("http://serverName:1111/"))
using (SPWeb web = site.RootWeb)
SPListlibGeneralSettings= web.Lists["Doc Library"];
libGeneralSettings.Title = "Doc Library Updated";
libGeneralSettings.Description = "My updated Doc Library";
libGeneralSettings.OnQuickLaunch = false;
Using PowerShell script:
$site=Get-SPSite "http://serverName:1111/" $web=$site.RootWeb $list=$web.Lists["Doc Library"] $list.Title="Doc Library Updated" $list.Description="My updated Doc Library" $list.OnQuickLaunch = $false $list.Update()