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Security For Web Part Pages In SharePoint 2013 Central Administration

This configuration will help users to secure the Web parts on all the sites and site collections through a simple configuration on Central Administration.

How to configure it?

Let’s open Central Admin of SharePoint on your machine. On your Windows desktop screen, click Start >> Administrative Tools >> SharePoint 2013 Central Administration.

  • Run it as an administrator to have elevated privileges.

  • You will see the screenshot given below.

  • Central Admin is configured under the categories given above.

  • Click Security.

  • Go to General Security.

  • Click Manage Web part security.

  • You will see the screen given below.


  1. Web Application Select a Web application, where you want to apply this security.

  2. Web Part Connections Using this option, you can allow or disallow users to connect the Web part by passing the data or values and creating a connection between the Web parts.

  3. Online Web Part Gallery Similarly, you can allow or disallow the users to search for the Web parts, using the online Web part gallery.

  4. Scriptable Web Parts This feature allows or disallows the users to add or edit the scriptable Web parts on the sites.

Once you click OK, the configuration selected by you will be added by default in all the sites within the Web and all the users will be allowed or disallowed to manage the Web parts, as per your configuration.

This is an important feature, as it will prevent any UI changes by the developers or admins on all the sites under the Web Applications.

In this article, we saw how to manage security for the Web pages in SharePoint 2013 Central Administration. There are more articles to come on Central Administration. Until then, keep reading and keep learning.

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