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How to use Regular Expression for Form Validation in ASP.NET Application?

Updated: Jan 30

In web development, creating robust and secure applications is a top priority. One crucial aspect of ensuring data integrity and user input validation is through the implementation of regular expressions. Regular expressions, often abbreviated as regex, are powerful tools for pattern matching and validation. In ASP.NET applications, the RegularExpressionValidator control plays a pivotal role in enforcing specific input patterns on web forms.

How to use Regular Expression for Form Validation in ASP.NET Application?

Web forms are gateways for user interaction, enabling the submission of various data types, such as email addresses, phone numbers, dates, and more. However, without proper validation mechanisms, these forms can become vulnerable to erroneous or malicious input. Regular expressions provide a flexible and efficient means to define and enforce specific patterns for the data entered into form fields.

In this article, we will explore regular expressions in the context of ASP.NET applications, with a focus on the RegularExpressionValidator control.

Table of Contents:

Form Validation in ASP.NET

Form validation is a crucial aspect of web development. It ensures that the data sent by the user to the server is in the correct format, preventing invalid or harmful data from being submitted. This not only maintains the integrity of the data but also enhances the user experience by providing immediate feedback on the input.

In ASP.NET, there are several methods for form validation:

  • RequiredFieldValidator: Ensures that a field is not left empty.

  • CompareValidator: Compares the value of one control to the value of another control or a fixed value.

  • RangeValidator: Checks if a control’s value is within a specified range.

  • RegularExpressionValidator: Checks if the value of a control matches a specified pattern.

  • CustomValidator: This allows you to define your validation logic.

RegularExpressionValidator in ASP.NET

Regular expressions (regex) are a powerful tool for matching patterns in text. In the context of form validation, they can be used to check if the user’s input matches a specific format.

The RegularExpressionValidator is a control in the ASP.NET framework that is used for form input validation. It allows you to validate user input by applying a regular expression pattern to the input field, ensuring that the input matches a specific pattern or format.

Here’s an example of how to use the RegularExpressionValidator control to validate an email address:

<asp:TextBox ID="EmailTextBox" runat="server" />
<asp:RegularExpressionValidator ID="EmailValidator" runat="server" 
    ErrorMessage="Invalid email address!" 
    ValidationExpression="\w+([-+.']\w+)*@\w+([-.]\w+)*\.\w+([-.]\w+)*" />

In this example, the ValidationExpression property contains a regular expression that matches the general pattern of an email address. If the user enters an email address that doesn’t match this pattern, the ErrorMessage will be displayed.

RegularExpressionValidator Key Properties

ControlToValidate: This property specifies the ID of the input control that you want to validate. The RegularExpressionValidator will apply the regular expression pattern to the text entered in this control. For example, you can set it to the ID of a TextBox or other input control.

ValidationExpression: This property is crucial as it defines the regular expression pattern against which the input value is validated. The regular expression pattern is a string that describes the expected format or pattern for the input. If the input does not match this pattern, the validator will trigger an error.

ErrorMessage: You can set this property to provide a custom error message that will be displayed if the input does not match the validation pattern. This message is typically shown to the user when validation fails.

Text: The Text property allows you to specify additional text to be displayed next to the input control. This text can be used to provide context or instructions to the user.

Display: This property determines how the error message is displayed. It can be set to one of the following values:

  • Static: The error message is always displayed, taking up space on the page even when there is no validation error.

  • Dynamic: The error message is displayed dynamically when a validation error occurs and disappears when the input is valid.

  • None: The error message is not displayed; this is useful if you want to handle the error message display yourself, e.g., through client-side scripting.

ForeColor and BackColor: These properties control the text color and background color of the error message text.

EnableClientScript: When set to true, the RegularExpressionValidator will generate client-side JavaScript code for client-side validation. This can help improve the user experience by validating input without a round trip to the server. However, you should always perform server-side validation as well for security and reliability.

How to use Regular Expressions for Form Validation in ASP.NET Application?

Here are the details about using the RegularExpressionValidator control in ASP.NET for form input validation with regular expressions.

1. Identify the Pattern:

When you want to validate user input, you first need to identify the pattern that valid input should follow. This pattern can vary depending on the type of data you are validating. In your example, we're considering the validation of email addresses, and the typical pattern for an email address is ""

2. Create the Regular Expression:

To enforce the identified pattern, you need to create a regular expression. A regular expression is a powerful tool that allows you to define a search pattern for text. In your case, you want to create a regular expression that matches valid email addresses.

The regular expression you provided is:


Breaking down this regular expression:

  • ^: This symbol signifies the start of the string. The input must start with the following pattern.

  • [a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+: This part matches the username portion of the email address. It allows one or more alphanumeric characters, dots (.), percent signs (%), plus signs (+), or hyphens (-).

  • @: This symbol is a literal match for the at sign (@).

  • [a-zA-Z0-9.-]+: This part matches the domain part of the email address. It allows one or more alphanumeric characters, dots (.), or hyphens (-).

  • \.: This is a literal match for the dot (.) character, which separates the domain from the top-level domain.

  • [a-zA-Z]{2,}: This part matches the top-level domain (TLD). It requires two or more alphabetic characters.

  • $: This symbol signifies the end of the string. The input must end with the preceding pattern.

3. Apply the Regular Expression:

In ASP.NET, you can use the RegularExpressionValidator control to apply the regular expression pattern to a form input field. The RegularExpressionValidator control is part of the ASP.NET toolbox and can be added to your web form.

Here's how you would use the RegularExpressionValidator in your ASP.NET form:

<asp:TextBox ID="EmailTextBox" runat="server" />
<asp:RegularExpressionValidator ID="EmailValidator" runat="server" ControlToValidate="EmailTextBox" ValidationExpression="^[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}$" ErrorMessage="Invalid email address." />

In this code:

  • EmailTextBox is an input control where users can enter their email address.

  • EmailValidator is the RegularExpressionValidator control responsible for validating the email address. It checks whether the value entered in EmailTextBox matches the regular expression pattern specified in the ValidationExpression property.

  • If the email address provided by the user does not match the regular expression pattern, the ErrorMessage property specifies the error message to display, which in this case is "Invalid email address."

It's important to emphasize that this is a basic example. In real-world scenarios, you may need to create more complex regular expressions to handle various valid input formats and reject invalid ones. Additionally, you can enhance validation with additional controls, server-side validation, and client-side scripting for a more robust user experience.

Practical Example

Certainly, I'll provide a code example to illustrate how to use the RegularExpressionValidator control in ASP.NET to validate a TextBox for email addresses.

In this example, if the email format is correct, the form will be submitted successfully, and if the format is incorrect, an error message will be displayed.

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="EmailValidation.aspx.cs" Inherits="EmailValidation" %>

<!DOCTYPE html>

<html xmlns="">
<head runat="server">
        <title>Email Validation Example</title>
        <form id="form1" runat="server">
                <h2>Email Validation Example</h2>
                <asp:Label ID="lblEmail" runat="server" Text="Enter your email address:" />
                <asp:TextBox ID="txtEmail" runat="server" />
                <br />
                <asp:RegularExpressionValidator ID="revEmail" runat="server"
                ErrorMessage="Invalid email address. Please enter a valid email."
            <br />
            <asp:Button ID="btnSubmit" runat="server" Text="Submit" OnClick="btnSubmit_Click" />

In this code:

  1. A web form is created, and it contains a TextBox (ID: txtEmail) where the user can enter their email address.

  2. A RegularExpressionValidator control (ID: revEmail) is added to the form. This validator is associated with the TextBox using the ControlToValidate property, which is set to "txtEmail." It uses the ValidationExpression property to specify the regular expression for a valid email address. The ErrorMessage property is set to the message that will be displayed if validation fails. Display is set to "Dynamic" to display the error message dynamically, and the error message text color is set to red with ForeColor.

  3. A Button control (ID: btnSubmit) is added to the form for form submission.

Now, let's handle the form submission in the code-behind file (EmailValidation.aspx.cs):

using System;
using System.Web.UI;

public partial class EmailValidation : Page
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

    protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (IsValid)
            // The form is valid; you can proceed with further processing.
            string email = txtEmail.Text;
            // Process the email or perform other actions.

In the code-behind, we handle the form submission in the btnSubmit_Click event. If the form is valid (as indicated by IsValid), it proceeds with further processing. If the email format is correct according to the regular expression pattern, the form submission proceeds. If it's not valid, the error message will be displayed, and the form submission will be interrupted.

This code demonstrates how to use the RegularExpressionValidator control to validate email addresses, but you can adapt this approach to validate other types of data by changing the ValidationExpression.


Regular expressions for form validation in ASP.NET applications is crucial for enhancing security and reliability. The RegularExpressionValidator control provides a streamlined way to enforce specific input patterns, making web forms more resilient.

Understanding the syntax and leveraging the flexibility of regular expressions empowers developers to create user-friendly applications with precise data validation.


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