Green computing is the use of computers and related resources in an environmentally responsible way. It is the study of designing, developing, using, and disposing of computers and other electronic devices and resources in such a way that their usage causes minimal to no environmental impact.
Green computing practices are followed religiously today to reduce the carbon footprint. In other words, reversing the alarming levels of carbon emission being released into the atmosphere is leading to the production of greenhouse gases. This has an unfavorable impact on our environment.
With organizations becoming more responsible towards climatic changes, and their keenness towards reducing and reporting their carbon emissions subtly, green computing is taking all the industries, especially the IT world by storm.
Approaches to Green Computing
To promote green computing concepts at all possible levels, the following four approaches are employed:
Green use: Minimizing the electricity consumption of computers and their peripheral devices and using them in an eco-friendly manner
Green disposal: Repurposing existing equipment or appropriately disposing of, or recycling, unwanted electronic equipment
Green design: Designing energy-efficient computers, servers, printers, projectors and other digital devices
Green manufacturing: Minimizing waste during the manufacturing of computers and other subsystems to reduce the environmental impact of these activities
Types of Green Computing
Solar Power System
In this program we utilize the sunlight and produce the Solar Power for personal and commercial usage. Canada, Spain and California have first position for implementing this technology. This is great achievement for green technology. When we talk about green computing then photovoltaic solar panels are most miracle example because it easily converts electricity power into electrical energy
Wind Turbine Program
Other great type is Wind Turbine system because with the help of this system anyone can generate electricity power. After embedding wind turbine has no bad effect to environment. It decrease the carbon dioxide emissions. But require huge money for set up of wind turbine, so it is not possible to everyone.
Geothermal Power
This is also exclusive type of green technology. With the help of this Geothermal plant can be generated electricity, and people can utilize of this power in daily usage such s heating and cooling house.
How to adopt Green Computing?
Purchase electronic devices from environment-committed companies.
Buy energy star-labeled monitors, laptops, and printers. Not only are they energy efficient but also cost-efficient. The best thing about these “energy-efficient” devices is that they can be powered down to a lower state when they are not in use. This helps in saving energy and keeping them cool which helps them last even longer. The energy star specification for computers was last revised on October 15, 2019. And the final specification was created in April 2020. These include all the performance requirements to qualify the energy star rating for computers, tablets, laptops, printers, and whatnot.
Laptops should be switched to sleep mode when not in use. This reduces the electricity consumption and thereby reduces the carbon emission produced by it. This is typically comparable to the carbon emitted by 5 million cars.
Recycle used computer devices and equipment. Staples, an office stationery retailer, has initiated a recycling program. They accept any used brands of IT supplies, be it laptops, computers, printers, or even keyboards and mice.
Use power strips. Power strips keep track of the power consumed by your computer peripherals. Also when it senses that you have turned off your computer/laptop, it automatically shuts down your peripheral too, preventing any idle current drawn even when your equipment is off.
Deploy virtual technologies. A huge number of servers and data centers contribute relentlessly to greenhouse gases and consume humongous amounts of energy and electricity. Moving to the cloud is a good idea for reducing your hardware on-premises. By pooling your resources in the cloud and reducing the hardware on-premises, you can substantially reduce power consumption and save on your energy bill.
Green Wireless Network.
Energy Management in Data Centre’s.
Green Cloud Computing.
Green Parallel Computing.
Advantages :
Reduced energy consumption.
Maintaining green environment.
Cost-effective computing.
Conservation of resources.
Disadvantages :
Rapid change in technology.
Initial implementation may be costly.
Requires care from user.
Requires deep understanding of green computing concept.
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