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Extracting Database Metadata via JDBC Driver

Updated: Mar 27, 2023

JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) is a Java API that enables Java applications to interact with databases. One of the useful features of JDBC is its ability to extract metadata from databases. Metadata is information about the structure of a database and its objects like tables, columns, indexes, and constraints. JDBC allows you to extract this metadata by providing methods to retrieve the database schema and catalog information.

Here are the steps to extract database metadata using JDBC:

Step 1: Load the JDBC driver

The first step is to load the JDBC driver for the database you want to connect to. This is done using the Class.forName() method with the name of the driver class as the parameter. Here is an example code for loading the JDBC driver for a MySQL database:


Step 2: Establish a connection

Once the driver is loaded, you need to establish a connection to the database using the DriverManager.getConnection() method. This method takes a URL string that specifies the database to connect to, as well as a username and password for the database. Here is an example code for connecting to a MySQL database:

String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mydatabase";
String username = "myuser";
String password = "mypassword";
Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, username, password);

Step 3: Get the database metadata

After establishing the connection, you can get the metadata for the database using the Connection.getMetaData() method. This method returns a DatabaseMetaData object that contains the metadata for the database. Here is an example code for getting the metadata for a MySQL database:

DatabaseMetaData metadata = connection.getMetaData();

Step 4: Extract the metadata

Once you have the DatabaseMetaData object, you can use its methods to extract the metadata for the database. Here are some examples of metadata you can extract:

  • Tables: To get a list of tables in the database, you can use the DatabaseMetaData.getTables() method. This method returns a ResultSet containing the table information. Here is an example code for getting the tables in a MySQL database:

ResultSet tables = metadata.getTables(null, null, null, new String[] {"TABLE"});
while ( {
    String tableName = tables.getString("TABLE_NAME");
  • Columns: To get a list of columns in a table, you can use the DatabaseMetaData.getColumns() method. This method returns a ResultSet containing the column information. Here is an example code for getting the columns in a MySQL database:

ResultSet columns = metadata.getColumns(null, null, "mytable", null);
while ( {
    String columnName = columns.getString("COLUMN_NAME");
    String dataType = columns.getString("TYPE_NAME");
    int columnSize = columns.getInt("COLUMN_SIZE");
    System.out.println(columnName + " (" + dataType + ", " + columnSize + ")");
  • Primary keys: To get a list of primary keys for a table, you can use the DatabaseMetaData.getPrimaryKeys() method. This method returns a ResultSet containing the primary key information. Here is an example code for getting the primary keys in a MySQL database:

ResultSet primaryKeys = metadata.getPrimaryKeys(null, null, "mytable");
while ( {
    String columnName = primaryKeys.getString("COLUMN_NAME");
    int keySequence = primaryKeys.getInt("KEY_SEQ");
    System.out.println(columnName + " (" + keySequence + ")");

In conclusion, JDBC provides a convenient way to extract metadata from databases. By using the methods provided by the JDBC API, you can get information about the structure of a database and its objects. This metadata can be useful for various purposes like data analysis, reporting, and application development.



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