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Carbon Programming Language: A Comprehensive Guide

Introducing "Carbon Programming Language" a cutting-edge programming language developed by Google. This innovative language stands as a successor to C++, offering a contemporary and secure platform for crafting high-performance applications. In this article, we will explore the Carbon programming language in detail and learn how to use it for various purposes.

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What is Carbon Programming Language?

Carbon is an experimental, general-purpose programming language created by Google. It is designed to be a successor to C++, to fix some of C++'s perceived shortcomings while still providing a similar feature set. C++ is a powerful language, but it is also complex and can be difficult to learn. Carbon is designed to be a more modern and easier-to-use language that still provides the performance and flexibility of C++.

Some of the key features of Carbon include:

  • Memory safety: Carbon is designed to be memory safe, meaning it is impossible to create memory leaks or access invalid memory. Combined techniques, such as checked generics, bounds checking, and RAII, achieve this.

  • Bidirectional interoperability with C++: Carbon is designed to be seamlessly interoperable with C++, meaning that C++ code can be easily converted to Carbon and vice versa. This makes it easy for developers to migrate existing C++ code to Carbon.

  • Modern syntax: Carbon's syntax is designed to be modern and easy to read. It borrows some features from other languages, such as Rust and Go, but it also has its unique features.

  • Performance: Carbon is designed to be as performant as C++, meaning it can be used to write high-performance applications.

Limitations of Carbon programming language

  • Still under development

  • Not as widely used as C++

  • Some features may not be as mature as C++ features

Carbon vs C++

Carbon and C++ are both general-purpose, compiled programming languages that are often used for performance-critical applications. However, there are some key differences between the two languages.


Carbon Programming Language

C++ Programming Language

Memory Safety

Carbon is designed to be memory safe, which means that it prevents memory errors such as buffer overflows and dangling pointers.

C++ is not memory safe by default.


Modern, concise, and readable

C++ has C-style syntax.


Additional features which are expressive and flexible: Generic, Pattern Matching and Value Semantics.

No such feature in C++


Interoperable with C++

Not interoperable with Carbon.

Ultimately, the best language for a particular project will depend on the specific requirements of that project. However, Carbon programming language is a promising new language that could be a good choice for projects that require performance, safety, and modern features.

Who Should Use Carbon?

It is particularly well-suited for developers who are currently using C++ and are looking for a way to improve the safety and maintainability of their code. Carbon is also a good choice for developers who are working on new projects that require a high degree of performance and safety.


Here are some of the basic syntax elements of Carbon programming language:

Variables: Variables in Carbon are declared using the var keyword. The type of the variable is specified after the name. For example:

var my_variable: i32 = 10; 

Functions: Functions in Carbon are declared using the fn keyword. The function name is followed by a list of parameters, and the return type is specified after the parameters. For example:

fn add_numbers(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {   return a + b; } 

Control flow: Carbon supports the usual control flow statements, such as if, else, while, and for. For example:

if a > b {   
    print("a is greater than b"); 
} else {   
    print("a is not greater than b"); 

while a < 10 
    a = a + 1; 
for i in 0..10 

Comments: Comments in Carbon are started with the // symbol. For example:

// This is a comment 

Here are some of the key differences between the syntax of Carbon and C++:

Type inference: Carbon uses type inference to automatically infer the types of variables and expressions. This can help to reduce errors and make the code more concise. For example, the following code is valid in Carbon:

var x = 10; 

In C++, this code would not be valid, because the type of x is not explicitly declared.

Generics: Carbon supports generics, which allows you to write code that can be used with different types of data. For example, the following code defines a generic function that adds two numbers of any type:

fn add_numbers<T>(a: T, b: T) -> T 
    return a + b; 

This function can be called with any two numbers of the same type, such as integers, floats, or strings.

Pattern matching: Carbon supports pattern matching, which allows you to match values against patterns. This can be used to improve the readability and safety of code. For example, the following code uses pattern matching to check if a variable is equal to 10:

if var x == 10 {   
    print("x is equal to 10"); 
} else {   
    print("x is not equal to 10"); 

This code is more concise and readable than the equivalent C++ code, which would use an if statement and an else statement.

How to Install?

Setting up the Carbon programming language requires the installation of several tools and dependencies. Below are the steps to install and configure Carbon on a Windows system, along with some fundamental information about the language:

STEP 1: Install Homebrew (If not already installed): Homebrew is a package manager that simplifies the installation of various software on macOS. If you are using macOS and do not have Homebrew installed, follow these steps:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL" 

STEP 2: Install Bazel: Bazel is a build and test tool that supports multiple platforms and languages. To install Bazel, use the following command in your terminal:

$ brew install bazelisk 

STEP 3: Install LLVM: LLVM is the primary virtual machine that runs the Carbon language. To set it up, execute the following command:

$ brew install llvm
$ export PATH="$(brew --prefix llvm)/bin:$(PATH)" 

STEP 4: Setup Carbon Language Code: This step involves downloading the Carbon language code. Ensure that you have Git installed on your system, and then run the following:

$ git clone 
$ cd carbon-lang

STEP 5: Configure Carbon Explorer:

Carbon Explorer functions as an implementation tool for the Carbon language. After cloning the Carbon repository, follow the instructions to set up and configure Carbon Explorer for running Carbon programs.

After completing the installation and setup process, you should have Bazel, LLVM, and the Carbon language ready for use on your system. With these tools in place, you can begin exploring the fundamentals of the Carbon programming language and start writing and running Carbon programs.

Basic Concepts of Carbon Programming Language

Below are the basic concepts of carbon programming language which you should know:

Variables and Data Types

In Carbon, you can declare variables using the var keyword and specify their types explicitly.

var my_variable: i32 = 10; 
var my_string: String = "Hello, world!"; 

Primitive data types:

Carbon provides various primitive data types such as integers (i32, u32, i64, u64), floating-point numbers (f32, f64), boolean (bool), and strings (String).

i32, u32, i64, u64, f32, f64, bool, String 

Working with strings and numbers:

Strings and numbers can be manipulated and concatenated. For instance, you can append text to a string using the + operator, and you can perform arithmetic operations on numeric variables.

var my_string = "Hello, world!"; 
var my_number = 10;  

print(my_string); // Prints "Hello, world!" 
print(my_number); // Prints 10  

my_string = my_string + ". How are you?"; 
print(my_string); // Prints "Hello, world! How are you?" 

my_number = my_number + 1; 
print(my_number); // Prints 11

Control Flow

Carbon supports conditional statements like if-else and switch. You can use these to perform different actions based on certain conditions.

var is_even = true;  
if is_even {   
    print("The number is even."); 
    } else {   
        print("The number is odd."); 

switch is_even {   
    case true:     
        print("The number is even.");     
    case false:     
        print("The number is odd.");     

Carbon provides for and while loops. You can iterate over ranges using for and conditionally repeat a block of code using while.

for i in 0..10 {   

var i = 0; 
while i < 10 {   
    print(i);   i = i + 1; 

Functions and Procedures

You can define functions using the fn keyword. Functions can take arguments, perform operations, and return values. Recursive functions are also supported, as shown in the factorial example.

fn factorial(n: i32) -> i32 {   
  if n == 0 {     
    return 1;   
  } else {     
    return n * factorial(n - 1);   
var result = factorial(10); 

// Prints 362880 

Functions in Carbon can accept arguments, which are used as input data. You can then use these arguments within the function's body

fn greet(name: String) {   
    print("Hello, " + name + "!"); 

// Prints "Hello, World!" 

Functions can return values using the return keyword. In the provided example, the factorial function returns the factorial of a given number.

fn factorial(n: i32) -> i32 {   
  if n == 0 {     
    return 1;   
  } else {     
    return n * factorial(n - 1);   
var result = factorial(10); 
print(result); // Prints 362880

Input and Output

Carbon supports reading user input and printing output to the console. The read_line() function is used to read user input, and the print() function is used to print output to the console.

Reading user input:

var name = read_line(); 
print("Your name is " + name); 

Printing output to the console:

print("Hello, world!");

Error Handling

Carbon provides error handling through try-catch blocks. You can wrap code that might throw exceptions in a try block and catch and handle those exceptions in a corresponding catch block.

try {   
    var number = 10 / 0; 
} catch (e) {   
    print("Error: " + e.message); 

var number = try {   
    10 / 0; 
} catch (e) {   
print(number); // Prints -1

My First Program in Carbon Programming Language

To write your first program in Carbon, you will need a text editor and a compiler. You can use any text editor you like, such as Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, or Atom. For the compiler, you will need to install LLVM and Clang, which are the tools that Carbon uses to generate executable code. You can find the installation instructions for different platforms on the LLVM website.

Once you have the tools ready, you can create a file with the extension .carbon and write some code in it. For example, you can write a simple “Hello, World!” program like this:

package Sample api;  
fn Main() -> i32 {   
    var s: auto = "Hello, World!";   
    return 0; 

This code defines a package called Sample with an api visibility modifier, which means it can be accessed by other packages. Then it defines a function called Main that returns an integer value. The function declares a variable s of type auto, which means the compiler will infer its type from the assigned value. In this case, it will be a string literal. Then it calls the built-in function Print to print the value of s to the standard output. Finally, it returns 0 to indicate a successful execution.

To compile and run this code, you will need to use the command line and navigate to the folder where you saved your file. Then you can use the following commands:

clang -c -emit-llvm -std=c++20 -fcoroutines-ts -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -
I/path/to/carbon-lang/include sample.carbon 
llc sample.bc -filetype=obj 
clang++ sample.o -L/path/to/carbon-lang/lib -lcarbon 

The first command invokes Clang to compile your Carbon code into LLVM bitcode, which is an intermediate representation that can be optimized and translated into machine code.

The second command invokes LLVM to convert the bitcode into an object file, which contains the machine code for your platform.

The third command invokes Clang++ to link your object file with the Carbon runtime library, which provides some basic functionality for your program.

The last command executes your program and prints “Hello, World!” to the console.

Things to keep in mind while using a carbon programming language

Here are some more things to keep in mind while using the Carbon programming language:

  • Carbon is case-sensitive. This means that the names of variables, functions, and other identifiers must be spelled the same way, both in lower case and upper case.

  • Carbon uses semicolons to terminate statements. This is different from C++, which uses semi-colons to terminate statements and commas to separate multiple statements on the same line.

  • Carbon does not have a preprocessor. This means you cannot use preprocessor directives to define macros or include header files.

  • Carbon does not have a standard library. This means that you will need to write your code for things like input and output, string manipulation, and mathematical operations.

Here are some other general things to keep in mind:

  • Carbon is a new language, so there may be some bugs or missing features. Be sure to check the documentation and the Carbon forum for known issues.

  • The Carbon community is still growing, so there may not be as many resources available as for other languages. However, there are several active contributors who are working to improve the language and the community.


Carbon programming language is still in its early stages of development, but it has the potential to be a major player in the programming language landscape. It is a language worth watching for developers who are looking for a modern, efficient, and safe language for their projects.


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