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The Tech Platform
Jan 31, 2021
Signals are very useful feature in linux to send notification from one process to another and from the kernel to the process. Signals are...

The Tech Platform
Aug 28, 2020
"The Same Game", Part 5 of 5: Adding an Undo/Redo Stack and Keyboard Accelerators
Introduction This is it. We are almost done with our version of the SameGame. We've discussed quite a few topics ranging from event...

The Tech Platform
Aug 28, 2020
"The Same Game", Part 4 of 5: Adjusting Board Size and Block Count
Introduction Our version of the SameGame is really taking shape. We have a game that can be played from start to finish in five different...

The Tech Platform
Aug 28, 2020
"The Same Game": A Simple Game from Start to Finish - PART-2
Document/View Architecture The document/view architecture is an interesting paradigm where we separate the actual application data from...
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