Vijai Anand Ramalingam

Feb 20, 20191 min

Silverlight- Slider Control Part 1

In this article we will be seeing how to create Silverlight Slider control.

Slider Control is used to allow the user to select from a range of values by moving the Thumb control.

Namespace: System.Windows.Controls

Assembly: System. Windows (in System.Windows.dll)



Slider with horizontal orientation:

By default the orientation property will be Horizontal.

<Canvas Background="Orange"
<Slider x:Name="slider"
 Canvas.Top="84" >

Slider with vertical orientation:

<Canvas Background="Orange"
<Slider x:Name="slider"


Slider with IsDirectionReversed:

<Canvas Background="Orange"
<Slider x:Name="slider"

Slider with ValueChanged event:

<Canvas Background="Orange"
<Slider x:Name="slider"
<TextBlock  Height="25" Width="50" Foreground="Blue" Text="Slider Value:"Canvas.Left="27" Canvas.Top="65"></TextBlock>
<TextBlock x:Name="txtSliderValue" Height="25" Width="50" Foreground="Blue" Canvas.Left="100" Canvas.Top="65"></TextBlock>

ValueChanged event:

private void slider_ValueChanged(object sender, RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs<double> e)
            txtSliderValue.Text = e.NewValue.ToString();


It is used to specify the minimum possible Value of the range element.


It is used to specify the maximum possible value of the range element.

Changing the Slider value:
