You're not gonna fly that plane with a mouse and keyboard, are you?STEPHEN WARWICK 21 Aug 2020 10
Source: Microsoft
What you need to know
New research says Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 could be quite the cash cow for hardware vendors.
It is predicted the game could generate $2.6B in hardware sales over three years.
It includes purchases of everything from new PCs to joysticks and even VR equipment.
Anew report says that Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 could generate $2.6 billion in hardware sales over the next three years.
Based on the assumption of a sale of 2.27 million units of Flight Simulator 2020 selling over the next three years, JPR estimates that in that time frame $2.6 billion will be spent on hardware with the specific intent of improving the game's experience. Much more will be spent over the title's complete sales cycle. JPR has analyzed the sales impact of MSFS, and the prediction is based on the sales of everything from PC builds, component upgrades, new displays, and more specific flight simulation peripherals like flight sticks, throttles, rudders and more.
It's no secret that the best experience for any flight simulator involves more specialized equipment than a mouse and keyboard. If you're interested, we've even rounded up the best joysticks for Microsoft Flight Simulator and the best yokes for Microsoft Flight Simulator to get you started.
Senior Analyst Ted Pollak noted:
"Flight simulators are incredibly demanding on processing capability and reward high resolution, large displays, and VR use. When new flight simulators are released, the hardware to run them at max settings and performance does not even exist yet. This creates a situation of constant hardware demand over the life of the title as fans chase the best experience. A significant number of flight sim fans only play flight sim. We took this into account when calculating whether the money will be spent specifically or partially because of this game."
Between the hardware needed to run the game properly, and the best accessories needed to truly enjoy the game, it sounds like MSFS 2020 could provide a huge boost the PC gaming economy.