Welcome to an article on how to manage Social Tags and Notes under User Profiles at the SharePoint Admin Center on Office 365. Here in this article, we will see what are the options available for us to Manage Social Tags and Notes of User Profiles at the SharePoint Admin Center.
To see that, you need to be a tenant admin. If you are, let’s see how we can do it,
Click on the left corner of your SharePoint site to view the apps.
Click on Admin.
You will come to the “SharePoint admin center”.
Select user profiles on the left navigation.
Under My Site Settings, click on “Manage Social Tags and Notes”.
You will come to the following screen.
Here in Manage Social Tags and Notes, you can find the tags and notes on the user profiles and can find details of the tags and the notes and can manage them.
Let’s see how u need to configure.
Type : Choose the type as in Tags or Notes.
User : Provide a user you are looking for.
URL: Here you can specify the link.
Date Range: Specify the date between when you want to search those tags or notes which has been used.
Tag/Note Contains: Write down the text as tags or note which you want to search.
Export tags and notes data:
In this section, you can also export all the details of all tags and notes on the site by clicking on the link which will generate a file for tags and another for notes.
Here we saw in this article, how to manage Social Tags and Notes on your site. We will see more learning in my next articles. Until then, keep reading and keep learning.