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Aug 2, 202214 min

How to Format Response Data in ASP.NET Core

Updated: Feb 5

In web development, the transmission of data between a server and a client is a fundamental aspect. Response data, representing the information sent from the server to the client, plays a crucial role in crafting seamless user experiences. Understanding the intricacies of response data is paramount for developers aiming to optimize their applications.

Table of contents:

About JSON Formatting

About XML Formatting

Response Format Options in ASP.NET Core MVC

Format-specific Action Results

Customizing Action Results for Specific Formats

Handling Multiple Return Types

Content Negotiation in ASP.NET Core

Browser-specific Considerations

Configuring Response Formats

XML formatters with AddXmlSerializerFormatters

System-Text.Json-based Formatters

Integrating Newtonsoft.Json-based Formatters

Restricting Response Formates with [Produces] Filter

Special Cases and Formatters

Handling String Return Types

Handling Null Objects

Response Format URL Mapping

Polymorphic Deserialization


Response data comes in various formats, each serving a specific purpose. Among the most common formats are:

  • JSON (JavaScript Object Notation): A lightweight and versatile format for data interchange, often used for asynchronous browser/server communication.

  • XML (eXtensible Markup Language): A flexible markup language suitable for representing structured data, frequently employed in web services and configuration files.

  • HTML (Hypertext Markup Language): The standard markup language for creating web pages, defining the structure and presentation of content on the web.

Understanding when to use each format is essential for delivering efficient and meaningful responses to clients.

About JSON Formatting

JSON formatting is a prevalent choice for transmitting data due to its simplicity and human-readable structure. The JsonSerializer and Json.NET are pivotal components facilitating the serialization and deserialization of JSON data. This section explores the core functionalities of these tools, elucidating their roles in the JSON formatting process.

About XML Formatting

While JSON is widely adopted, XML remains a prevalent format for data interchange, particularly in scenarios requiring structured data representation. The XmlSerializer and DataContractSerializer in ASP.NET Core empower developers to efficiently handle XML formatting. This section provides a comprehensive overview of these serializers and their roles in XML data manipulation.

Response Format Options in ASP.NET Core MVC

ASP.NET Core provides various action result types specific to different formats, enhancing the flexibility of handling responses.

Two notable action result types are:

  1. JsonResult for JSON-formatted data

  2. ContentResult for plain-text-formatted string data.

The JsonResult in ASP.NET Core is a specialized action result that serializes an object to JSON format and writes it to the response body. This result type is commonly used when you want to return data in a format that's easily consumable by JavaScript clients or other systems expecting JSON.

The provided code snippet demonstrates the default behavior, where the Ok method is used to return a list of todo items. The Ok method, when applied to an object, automatically serializes it into JSON format, and the response header contains the content type (application/json). This is the default behavior, and developers can leverage it when JSON is the preferred format.

public IActionResult Get() =>

The ContentResult is a versatile action result that allows you to return content in various formats, including plain text. It gives developers explicit control over the response's content and content type.

In the provided example, the GetVersion action returns a version string (v1.0.0) formatted as plain text. The ContentResult is created with the desired content and content type (text/plain). This flexibility is useful when you need to return non-JSON content or when you want to specify a custom content type.

public ContentResult GetVersion() =>
new ContentResult
Content = "v1.0.0",
ContentType = "text/plain"

Customizing Action Results for Specific Formats

Customizing JSON serialization with JsonResult becomes necessary when you want more control over the serialization process. This might include handling specific naming policies, ignoring null values, or dealing with date formats.

The provided example demonstrates how to create a JsonResult with customized JsonSerializerOptions. In this case, PropertyNamingPolicy is set to null, providing developers with granular control over how JSON properties are named.

public IActionResult Get() =>
new JsonResult(
new JsonSerializerOptions
PropertyNamingPolicy = null

This level of customization is crucial when you need precise control over JSON serialization settings.

Using ContentResult for plain text and specifying Content-Type

Configuring ContentResult for plain text with a specified content type allows developers to have explicit control over how non-JSON content is formatted and served.

In the example, a ContentResult is created to return plain text with a specific content type (text/plain). This flexibility is valuable when your application needs to support various response formats based on client requirements.

public ContentResult GetVersion() =>
new ContentResult
Content = "v1.0.0",
ContentType = "text/plain"

Handling Multiple Return Types

When an action needs to support multiple response formats or HTTP status codes based on the operation result, using IActionResult is a recommended approach.

Example: Returning different HTTP status codes based on operation result

The provided example demonstrates an action for creating a todo item. If the addition is successful, it returns a 201 Created status along with the created item; otherwise, it returns a 409 Conflict status. The usage of IActionResult allows developers to handle different scenarios with appropriate HTTP status codes.

public IActionResult CreateTodoItem(TodoItem item)
if (_todoItemStore.Add(item))
return CreatedAtAction(nameof(Get), new { id = item.Id }, item);
return Conflict();

This approach provides a clean and consistent way to handle varied responses in a single action.

Content Negotiation

Content negotiation is a crucial aspect of ASP.NET Core, allowing the application to determine the appropriate response format based on client preferences. This process is facilitated by ObjectResult, which plays a key role in shaping API responses.

ObjectResult is integral to content negotiation, as it helps determine the format in which the response should be presented based on client preferences.

ASP.NET Core supports several default media types, including application/json, text/json, and text/plain. These formats serve as the default response types when the client doesn't explicitly specify a preference.

// Default media types configuration
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
.AddNewtonsoftJson() // Or AddJsonOptions for System.Text.Json-based formatting
.AddXmlSerializerFormatters(); // XML formatter support

The Accept Header and Content Negotiation Process

The Accept header in a client's request significantly influences the content negotiation process. When a client specifies the desired format in the Accept header, ASP.NET Core endeavors to fulfill that preference.

Tools like Fiddler or Postman can set the Accept request header to specify the desired return format.

// Action method demonstrating content negotiation based on Accept header
public IActionResult GetById(long id)
var todo = _todoItemStore.GetById(id);

if (todo is null)
return NotFound();

return Ok(todo);

Browser-specific Considerations

web browsers introduce unique considerations due to their distinct handling of the Accept header. Unlike typical API clients, web browsers supply Accept headers that specify multiple formats, often including wildcards. This behavior can impact the way API responses are processed within browser environments.

When a request originates from a web browser, several implications arise regarding content negotiation:

By default, when the ASP.NET Core framework detects that the incoming request is from a web browser, it takes specific actions:

  • Ignoring Accept Header: The Accept header supplied by the browser tends to be ignored by the framework.

  • Defaulting to JSON: Content is returned in JSON format unless explicitly configured otherwise. This default behavior is designed to provide a more consistent experience for API consumers across different browsers.

While the default behavior is optimized for consistency, ASP.NET Core offers configuration options to fine-tune how the application handles browser accept headers. Developers have the flexibility to adjust this behavior based on their specific requirements.

Ignoring the Accept Header and Returning JSON by Default

A significant aspect of browser-specific considerations is the tendency to ignore the Accept header sent by the browser and defaulting to JSON responses. This approach simplifies the content negotiation process for browsers, ensuring a standardized output format regardless of the specifics of the incoming Accept header.

Configuring an App to Respect Browser Accept Headers

To modify the default behavior and make the application respect browser accept headers, developers can leverage configuration options. This ensures a more nuanced content negotiation process based on the preferences specified in the Accept header by the browser.

// Configuring an app to respect browser accept headers
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

builder.Services.AddControllers(options =>
options.RespectBrowserAcceptHeader = true;

Enabling RespectBrowserAcceptHeader ensures that the application considers browser accept headers, providing a more consistent experience for API consumption across various browsers.

Content Negotiation in Action

Content negotiation takes place when an Accept header is present in the client's request. The server enumerates the media types in the header, attempting to find a suitable formatter. If no formatter matches the client's preference, ASP.NET Core handles the situation based on the configured options.

When browsers are involved, the framework adjusts its behavior to enhance the user experience, ensuring that content is consistently returned in JSON format unless specified otherwise. Configuration options empower developers to fine-tune content negotiation to meet specific application requirements and browser expectations.

Configuring Response Formats

Formatters in ASP.NET Core are components responsible for handling the serialization and deserialization of data between the application and its clients. They play an important role in shaping the format of data in responses and understanding the format of data in requests.

1. Configure XML Formatters with AddXmlSerializerFormatters

To incorporate XML format support, developers can utilize the AddXmlSerializerFormatters method:

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);


This code snippet configures the application to use XML formatters implemented with XmlSerializer. Consequently, the API can respond in XML format based on the Accept header in the client's request.

XML format support is crucial when applications need to communicate with clients that prefer or require data in XML format. This configuration ensures that the API can respond in XML format based on the client's request.

2. Configure System.Text.Json-based Formatters

Configuring System.Text.Json-based formatters involves fine-tuning the JSON serialization options for an ASP.NET Core application. Developers use the AddJsonOptions method to customize features for the System.Text.Json-based formatters. One example of customization is setting the PropertyNamingPolicy to null, providing precise control over how JSON properties are named. This step is essential for adapting JSON output to meet specific application requirements.

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
.AddJsonOptions(options =>
options.JsonSerializerOptions.PropertyNamingPolicy = null;

The following action method calls ControllerBase.Problem to create a ProblemDetails response:

public IActionResult GetError() => Problem("Something went wrong.");

A ProblemDetails response is always camelCase, even when the app sets the format to PascalCase. ProblemDetails follows RFC 7807, which specifies lowercase.

Fine-Tuning System.Text.Json Options for Formatting:

Fine-tuning JSON formatting with System.Text.Json allows developers to have granular control over serialization settings, including property naming policies. In this specific case, setting PropertyNamingPolicy to null showcases the ability to tailor the serialization process according to the application's needs.

To configure output serialization options for specific actions, use JsonResult. For example:

public IActionResult Get() =>
new JsonResult(
new JsonSerializerOptions
PropertyNamingPolicy = null

This customization option is essential for developers who want precise control over how JSON properties are named. For example, setting PropertyNamingPolicy to null allows developers to define their naming policies.

3. Integrating Newtonsoft.Json-based JSON Formatters

The default JSON formatters use System.Text.Json. To use the Newtonsoft.Json-based formatters, install the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.NewtonsoftJson NuGet package and configure it in Program.cs:

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);


In the preceding code, the call to AddNewtonsoftJson configures the following Web API, MVC, and Razor Pages features to use Newtonsoft.Json:

  • Input and output formatters that read and write JSON

  • JsonResult

  • JSON Patch

  • IJsonHelper

  • TempData

Some features may not work well with System.Text.Json-based formatters and require a reference to the Newtonsoft.Json-based formatters.

Configuring App to Use Newtonsoft.Json-based Formatters:

Configuring the app to use Newtonsoft.Json-based formatters allows developers to customize serialization settings for Newtonsoft.Json. Using the options.SerializerSettings property, developers can tailor the serialization process. For example, setting ContractResolver to new DefaultContractResolver() provides additional customization options.

.AddNewtonsoftJson(options =>
options.SerializerSettings.ContractResolver = new DefaultContractResolver();

To configure output serialization options for specific actions, use JsonResult. For example:

public IActionResult GetNewtonsoftJson() =>
new JsonResult(
new JsonSerializerSettings
ContractResolver = new DefaultContractResolver()

4. Specifying Serialization Settings with SerializerSettings:

Specifying serialization settings with SerializerSettings involves applying specific customization for output formatting in a particular action of an ASP.NET Core controller. In this case, the JsonResult is used, and developers can apply specific serialization settings, such as setting ContractResolver to new DefaultContractResolver(). This step ensures that the JSON output for this specific action aligns with the desired format, providing a high level of customization for diverse serialization requirements.

This level of customization is essential for handling diverse serialization requirements for specific actions, ensuring that the JSON output aligns with the desired format.

Restricting Response Formats with [Produces] Filter

In ASP.NET Core, controlling and restricting response formats is crucial for maintaining a consistent and predictable API behavior. The [Produces] filter is a powerful tool that allows developers to explicitly specify the desired response format at different scopes within the application.

Applying [Produces] Filter at Different Scopes:

The [Produces] filter can be applied at various scopes, including the action, controller, or even globally. In this example, we'll focus on applying it at the controller level:

public class TodoItemsController : ControllerBase

In this snippet, the [Produces] filter is applied at the controller level, specifically within the TodoItemsController. By setting [Produces("application/json")], it explicitly mandates that responses from this controller must be in JSON format. This approach offers a centralized way to dictate the response format for the entire controller.

Forcing JSON-formatted Responses Even with Other Formatters Configured:

The true power of the [Produces] filter lies in its ability to enforce a specific response format, regardless of other formatter configurations.

Consider the following example:

public IActionResult Get() => new JsonResult(_todoItemStore.GetList());

In this example, the [Produces] filter is applied at the action level, specifically on the Get action. Regardless of any other formatter configurations that might exist globally or at the controller level, this action unconditionally mandates that the response format must be JSON.

Practical Application:

This approach is particularly useful for scenarios where a specific action or controller demands a consistent output format, ensuring that clients receive data in a standardized manner. It enhances clarity, simplifies client expectations, and contributes to a more maintainable API.

Special Cases and Formatters

Handling String Return Types

When a string is returned in ASP.NET Core, the default formatting is set to text/plain. This means that the response content type is automatically set to plain text. Special cases in this context refer to scenarios where this default behavior might not align with the desired output format.

Considerations for Different Formatting:

In cases where diverse formatting is desired – perhaps JSON or XML – adjustments to the default behavior become necessary. Formatters, in the context of ASP.NET Core, are components responsible for shaping the response content.

Removing StringOutputFormatter to Change Formatting Behavior:

To gain more control over how string responses are presented, the StringOutputFormatter can be removed. Formatters, like StringOutputFormatter, are built-in components responsible for formatting specific types of responses.

Achieving Customization:

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

builder.Services.AddControllers(options =>

By eliminating the StringOutputFormatter, developers gain the flexibility to customize the presentation of string responses, allowing for variations like JSON, XML, or other formats. This is an example of modifying the formatter configuration.

Handling Null Objects

By default, when an action returns a null object, ASP.NET Core responds with a 204 No Content status. Special cases here involve scenarios where the default response to null objects may not align with specific application requirements.

Considerations for Custom Handling:

However, in situations requiring more nuanced handling of null objects, such as providing additional information or employing a different status code, customization becomes essential. Formatters play a role here as well, influencing how responses are structured.

Removing HttpNoContentOutputFormatter for Customized Null Object Formatting:

To tailor the formatting of responses for null objects, developers can choose to remove the HttpNoContentOutputFormatter. This adjustment ensures that null objects are formatted according to specific requirements rather than adhering to the default behavior.

Ensuring Consistency:

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

builder.Services.AddControllers(options =>

Removing the HttpNoContentOutputFormatter offers the advantage of consistent and predictable responses for null objects, providing developers with the ability to fine-tune API behavior. In this context, formatters are crucial components influencing how responses are structured.

Response Format URL Mappings

Clients interacting with the API can explicitly specify the desired response format within the URL. This flexibility is achieved through various methods, including query strings, path parameters, or format-specific file extensions. Special cases arise when clients have specific requirements regarding how they receive data.

Understanding the diverse options available to clients in specifying the desired response format is crucial. Formatters, in this scenario, influence how the response content is shaped based on client preferences.

Using [FormatFilter] Attribute to Map Response Format in the Route:

The [FormatFilter] attribute plays a pivotal role in mapping the response format based on the client's request. Applied at the route level, this attribute checks for the existence of the format value in the RouteData and ensures that the response is formatted accordingly.

Providing Flexibility:

public class TodoItemsController : ControllerBase
// Controller logic

Leveraging the [FormatFilter] attribute furnishes a structured approach to handling format-specific responses at the route level, offering flexibility in determining response formats dynamically.

Polymorphic Deserialization

Polymorphic deserialization is a process in which data, typically in the form of serialized objects, is transformed back into its original object types, even when dealing with a hierarchy of related classes or interfaces. In object-oriented programming, polymorphism allows a single interface to represent multiple underlying data types.

Polymorphic deserialization is particularly relevant when working with diverse object hierarchies, where objects of different types may be present in the serialized data.

Here are some common limitations associated with polymorphic serialization:

  1. Circular References Challenge: Polymorphic serialization struggles with circular references, where objects refer to each other in a loop, making deserialization complex.

  2. Performance Overhead: Serializing complex object hierarchies may introduce performance overhead due to the identification and representation of various types.

  3. Compatibility Issues: Maintaining compatibility across different versions becomes complex when evolving object hierarchies, impacting data deserialization.

  4. Security Risks: Polymorphic serialization may expose security vulnerabilities, especially when deserializing data from untrusted sources, leading to potential code injection.

  5. Limited Standardization: Standardization across different programming languages or frameworks is limited, affecting interoperability in mixed-technology environments.

  6. Increased Serialized Data Size: Serialized data size can be larger due to additional metadata, impacting network bandwidth and storage requirements.

  7. Complex Customization: Customizing polymorphic serialization can be complex, requiring the implementation of custom serializers or converters.

  8. Object Identity Challenges: Maintaining object identity during deserialization, especially with shared references, can be challenging.

  9. Cross-Framework Incompatibility: Serialized data may not be directly compatible across different frameworks, limiting portability.

  10. Limited Support for Data Types: Some data types may not be fully supported, requiring additional effort to handle specific scenarios.

Custom Converter for Polymorphic Deserialization

When dealing with polymorphic deserialization, where diverse object types need to be reconstructed from serialized data, a custom converter plays a crucial role.

A custom converter is a specialized component or piece of code created by developers to handle specific data conversion tasks that may not be adequately addressed by built-in or generic conversion mechanisms. In the context of polymorphic deserialization, a custom converter is designed to manage the reconstruction of diverse object types from serialized data.

Necessity of a Custom Converter:

  • Complex Object Hierarchies: Polymorphic deserialization involves handling intricate object hierarchies with various types. Built-in mechanisms may struggle with such complexity, necessitating a custom converter.

  • Tailored Solutions: A custom converter allows developers to tailor the deserialization process, providing a specific solution that meets the unique demands of the project.

Why Customization is Needed:

  • Built-in Limitations: Standard deserialization features may have limitations in accurately reconstructing certain types of objects or managing complex inheritance structures. A custom converter steps in to address these limitations.

  • Precise Handling: Customization enables the implementation of a solution that precisely handles the intricacies of polymorphic deserialization, ensuring accurate reconstruction of diverse object types.

Addressing Gaps in Built-in Functionalities:

  • Handling Specific Scenarios: There are scenarios where built-in functionalities fall short, especially when dealing with project-specific requirements. A custom converter bridges these gaps, providing a solution tailored to the project's needs.

  • Enhancing Compatibility: Custom converters enhance compatibility across different versions of serialized data, allowing for smoother transitions during updates or changes to the object hierarchy.

Dealing with Diverse Object Types:

  • Intelligent Instantiation: Polymorphic deserialization often involves handling various object types within the same data stream. A custom converter intelligently identifies and instantiates the correct types during the deserialization process.

  • Adaptability: The adaptability of a custom converter ensures that it can handle a broad range of object types, making it a versatile tool for diverse projects.

Optimizing Performance:

  • Efficient Processing: Custom converters can be optimized for performance, ensuring efficient and quick deserialization of polymorphic data.

  • Critical for Large Datasets: This optimization is particularly critical when dealing with large and complex serialized datasets, where performance bottlenecks need to be minimized.

Sample of polymorphic deserialization using a custom converter:

Let's walk through a practical example that showcases how a custom converter can be employed to handle this complex process:

Imagine a scenario where you have a serialized data stream containing various shapes—circles, squares, and triangles—all represented as objects of a generic "Shape" class. Each specific shape type has unique properties.

The built-in deserialization mechanisms struggle with accurately reconstructing these diverse shapes due to their unique characteristics and the need for specialized handling.

Recognizing the limitations of the built-in functionalities, a custom converter becomes essential to provide a tailored solution for handling the polymorphic nature of the serialized data.

Developers create a custom converter specifically designed to handle the diverse object types within the "Shape" hierarchy during deserialization.

public class ShapeConverter : JsonConverter<Shape>
public override Shape Read(ref Utf8JsonReader reader, Type typeToConvert, JsonSerializerOptions options)
using (JsonDocument doc = JsonDocument.ParseValue(ref reader))
// Determine the shape type from the JSON data
var root = doc.RootElement;
var shapeType = root.GetProperty("Type").GetString();

// Deserialize the specific shape type based on the determined type
switch (shapeType)
case "Circle":
return JsonSerializer.Deserialize<Circle>(root.GetRawText());
case "Square":
return JsonSerializer.Deserialize<Square>(root.GetRawText());
case "Triangle":
return JsonSerializer.Deserialize<Triangle>(root.GetRawText());
throw new JsonException($"Unexpected shape type: {shapeType}");
// Other required methods for the JsonConverter interface

Usage in Deserialization:

When deserializing the serialized data, the custom converter is applied to handle the polymorphic nature of the "Shape" objects.

JsonSerializerOptions options = new JsonSerializerOptions(); options.Converters.Add(new ShapeConverter());

// Deserializing the shapes
List<Shape> shapes = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<List<Shape>>(jsonString, options);

The custom converter intelligently determines the specific shape type from the serialized data and appropriately deserializes it into the corresponding object (Circle, Square, or Triangle).


  • This approach allows developers to implement a solution that precisely meets the requirements of handling diverse object types during deserialization.

  • The custom converter ensures accuracy and efficiency in the reconstruction of objects, overcoming the limitations of built-in deserialization functionalities.


Formatting response data in ASP.NET Core involves leveraging various formatters and content negotiation techniques. Understanding how to configure XML and JSON formatters, fine-tune serialization options, and handle browser-specific considerations is essential. The flexibility provided by ASP.NET Core allows developers to tailor responses to meet specific client preferences.
