The Tech Platform

Feb 1610 min

Google Gemini: The Next Generation AI Model

In the landscape of artificial intelligence, Google has made a significant leap with the introduction of Gemini. This state-of-the-art AI model is not just an upgrade, but a revolution in machine learning capabilities. From understanding complex concepts to reasoning through problems and explaining their reasoning, Gemini is set to redefine our interaction with technology. In this article, we delve into the capabilities, integration, and availability of Google Gemini, exploring how it’s set to transform the AI landscape.

Introduction to Google Gemini

Google Gemini, also known as Gemini AI, is an integrated suite of large language models (LLMs) currently being developed by Google AI. These models are designed to process and generate text, images, code, and audio content through a single user interface. The foundation models of Gemini were designed from the beginning to be multimodal. This means they can handle various forms of input and output, making them highly versatile for different applications.

Below is the simplified block diagram of the structure of Google Gemini:


  • Sequence: This represents the input sequence, which can be text, code, images, audio, video, or other multimodal data. This sequence is fed into the encoders.


  • Text Encoder: This encoder specializes in processing text data. It converts the text sequence into a numerical representation that captures the meaning and relationships between words. This representation is called an embedding. Common techniques used in text encoders include word embeddings, recurrent neural networks (RNNs), and convolutional neural networks (CNNs).

  • Image Encoder: This encoder specializes in processing image data. It extracts features from the image, such as edges, shapes, and colors, and converts them into an embedding. Similar to the text encoder, common techniques used in image encoders include CNNs and transformers.

  • Other Modality Encoders: Depending on the specific variant of Gemini and the task at hand, there might be additional encoders for processing other data modalities like audio or video. Each encoder would be designed to extract relevant features from its respective data type.


  • This is the core of the model and where the magic happens. It takes the encoded representations from all the encoders (text, image, etc.) and combines them. The transformer uses attention mechanisms to learn the relationships between different parts of the data across different modalities. This allows the model to understand how the different elements of the input sequence are related and influence each other.


  • Text Decoder: This decoder takes the combined representation from the transformer and generates text output. It uses an attention mechanism to focus on relevant parts of the combined representation and generates words one at a time, predicting the next word based on the previous words and the context provided by the encoders and transformer.

  • Image Decoder: This decoder works similarly to the text decoder, but it generates image outputs instead of text. It might use techniques like pixel-by-pixel generation or learn to manipulate pre-existing image features.


The final output of Gemini depends on the specific task it's trained for. It could be:

  • Generated text (e.g., completing a poem, writing a news article)

  • Translated text (e.g., translating a sentence from one language to another)

  • Image caption (e.g., generating a description of an image)

  • Code completion (e.g., predicting the next line of code in a program)

  • Any other task-specific output depends on the training data and desired application.

Google Gemini’s Integration

Google is starting a new phase with the use of artificial intelligence by adding Gemini, a top-notch AI model, into all its products. This means that whether you’re using Android, Gmail, or Google Docs, you can use Gemini’s advanced features.

Integration Across Google Products: Gemini is being integrated into almost all Google products, from Android to Gmail to Google Docs. This means that whether you’re using Android, Gmail, or Google Docs, you’ll be able to take advantage of Gemini’s capabilities.

Gemini Ultra: Gemini Ultra is the most powerful version of the Gemini model. It represents the pinnacle of Google’s AI capabilities, offering the highest level of performance and functionality.

Gemini’s Sizes: Google has optimized Gemini 1.0, the first version, for three sizes: Google Gemini Ultra, Google Gemini Pro, and Google Gemini Nano. Each variant is designed for different use cases, from mobile devices to highly complex tasks.

Gemini in Google Products: Bard is using a fine-tuned version of Gemini Pro for more advanced reasoning, planning, understanding, and more. Pixel 8 Pro is the first smartphone engineered for Google Gemini Nano, using features like Summarize in Recorder and Smart Reply in Gboard.

Gemini API: Starting December 13, developers and enterprise customers will be able to access Gemini Pro via the Gemini API in Vertex AI or Google AI Studio.

Google Gemini’s Capabilities

Multimodal Large Language Models:

Google Gemini models are designed to interact and process information across various formats. This includes:

  • Text: They can read and comprehend text across different formats like books, articles, code, and chat logs. This means they can understand and generate responses based on the context of the text.

  • Images: They can analyze and interpret visual content, understanding objects, scenes, and relationships within images. This allows them to provide insights or answer questions about the content of an image.

  • Audio: They can recognize and translate spoken language in over 100 languages, transcribe audio recordings, and understand the sentiment and tone of speech. This makes them useful in applications like transcription services, language translation, and sentiment analysis.

  • Video: They can process and understand video clips, answer questions about content, generate descriptions, and even summarize key points. This can be used in applications like video content analysis and summarization.

  • Code: They can read, understand, explain, and even generate code in various programming languages like Python, Java, and C++. This makes them useful in applications like code review, debugging, and even programming assistance.

Reasoning and Explanation:

Google Gemini goes beyond just mimicking information. It can understand complex concepts, reason through problems, and explain its reasoning in a clear and informative manner. This makes it particularly useful for tasks like answering complex questions, debugging and understanding code, and explaining scientific concepts.

Advanced Information Retrieval:

Advanced Information Retrieval refers to Gemini’s ability to understand and find relevant information based on a given query. This involves several key capabilities:

  • Understanding Context: Gemini can understand the context of a query, which means it can interpret the underlying intent or meaning behind the words used in the query. This allows it to provide more accurate and relevant responses.

  • Going Beyond Keywords: Traditional search methods often rely on matching keywords in the query with keywords in the data. However, Gemini goes beyond this by understanding the semantic meaning of the query. This means it can find relevant information even if it’s phrased differently or uses different words than the query.

  • Complex Research Tasks: Because of its ability to understand context and semantics, Gemini is ideal for complex research tasks. It can sift through large amounts of data to find specific answers or information, making it a powerful tool for researchers and analysts.

  • Analyzing Information from Various Sources: Gemini can analyze information from various sources and formats. This includes text documents, images, audio files, and even code. This allows it to provide comprehensive and diverse responses.

  • Identifying and Comparing Conflicting Information: When there’s conflicting information from different sources, Gemini can identify these conflicts and compare the different pieces of information. This helps ensure the accuracy and reliability of its responses.

  • Determining the Most Reliable Answer: After analyzing and comparing the information, Gemini can determine the most reliable answer. This is based on the credibility of the sources, the consistency of the information, and other factors.

Gemini’s Advanced Information Retrieval capability makes it a powerful tool for finding and analyzing information, making it ideal for tasks like research, data analysis, and problem-solving. It’s this capability that allows Gemini to provide accurate, relevant, and comprehensive responses to a wide range of queries.


While Gemini outperforms GPT-4 in many areas, the real-world performance of these models can vary depending on the specific application or task at hand. This means that while Gemini might excel in certain tasks or benchmarks, GPT-4 might perform better in others.

For instance, GPT-4 has shown slightly better performance on the more challenging MATH benchmark. The MATH benchmark is a challenging dataset that tests a model’s ability to understand and solve complex mathematical problems. GPT-4’s strong performance on this benchmark highlights its strengths in advanced mathematical reasoning.

However, it’s important to note that these are just benchmarks, and the performance of these models in real-world applications can be influenced by many factors. These can include the nature of the task, the quality and quantity of the data available, the computational resources, and many others.


The flexibility of Google Gemini refers to its ability to adapt to various computational environments and use cases. This is a crucial feature that allows it to be deployed in a wide range of scenarios.

  • Data Centers: Gemini can efficiently run on high-powered servers in data centers. These servers often have significant computational resources, including multiple high-performance CPUs, large amounts of RAM, and sometimes even GPUs for accelerated computing. Running on such servers allows Gemini to handle large-scale data processing tasks, such as analyzing large datasets or serving many users simultaneously.

  • Mobile Devices: On the other end of the spectrum, Google Gemini can also run on mobile devices. These devices have much more limited computational resources compared to data center servers. However, they have the advantage of being portable and always connected, making them ideal for on-the-go applications. Gemini’s ability to run on mobile devices means it can be used in mobile apps, providing users with advanced AI capabilities wherever they are.

MMLU Performance:

MMLU (Massive Multitask Language Understanding) is a benchmark designed to measure the knowledge acquired by models during pretraining by evaluating them exclusively in zero-shot and few-shot settings. This makes the benchmark more challenging and more similar to how we evaluate humans.

The MMLU benchmark covers 57 subjects across STEM, the humanities, the social sciences, and more. It ranges in difficulty from an elementary level to an advanced professional level, and it tests both world knowledge and problem-solving ability. Subjects range from traditional areas, such as mathematics and history, to more specialized areas like law and ethics. The granularity and breadth of the subjects make the benchmark ideal for identifying a model’s blind spots.

Google Gemini is the first model that has outperformed human experts on this MMLU benchmark. This achievement demonstrates Gemini’s advanced language understanding capabilities. It means that Google Gemini can understand and generate language across a wide range of tasks better than human experts, making it a powerful tool for a variety of applications. This is a significant milestone in the field of AI and machine learning, showcasing the potential of Gemini in various real-world applications.

In essence, the MMLU performance of Google Gemini signifies its ability to understand and generate language across a wide range of tasks, surpassing even human experts. This makes Gemini a highly capable model for tasks that require advanced language understanding.

How does Google Ensure the Privacy of User Data in Gemini?

Google has put in place several measures to ensure the privacy of user data in Gemini. These measures are designed to protect user information while also allowing Google to improve and develop its products and services.

  1. Data Collection and Usage: Google collects conversations with Gemini, location data, related product usage information, and any feedback provided by users. This data is used to provide, improve, and develop Google products and services, and machine learning technologies.

  2. Data Anonymization: To help Gemini improve while protecting user privacy, a subset of conversations is selected and automated tools are used to remove user-identifying information, such as email addresses and phone numbers.

  3. Data Review: Conversations with Google Gemini may be read and annotated by human reviewers to improve the product. However, these conversations are disconnected from the user’s Google Account before reviewers see or annotate them.

  4. Data Retention: The data collected by Google Gemini will stay for 18 months on Google servers. Users can easily change the data storage limit from 3 to 36 months. Conversations that human reviewers have reviewed are not deleted when you delete your Google Gemini Apps activity because they are kept separately and are not connected to your Google Account. They are retained for up to three years.

  5. User Control: Users have the option to turn off saving data to their Google Account. Even when Gemini Apps Activity is off, conversations will be saved with the account for up to 72 hours.

Availability of Google Gemini

Google has announced the rollout of Google Gemini in the United States and East Asia. This means that users in these regions can now access and utilize the advanced capabilities of Gemini.

Google Gemini Pro continues to be available for free on the web at Users can leverage its advanced features without any cost, making AI technology more accessible to everyone.

The Gemini mobile app is available for both Android and iOS users. This allows users to take advantage of Gemini’s capabilities on their smartphones, making it convenient for on-the-go use.

Google Gemini Advanced is a paid service that has been launched by Google. This service offers more advanced features and capabilities compared to the free version, catering to users who require more sophisticated AI functionalities.

Android developers who are interested in building Gemini-powered apps on their devices can now sign up for an early preview of Google Gemini Nano. This provides them with an opportunity to integrate Gemini’s capabilities into their apps ahead of the general release.

Starting December 13, developers and enterprise customers will be able to access Gemini Pro via the Google Gemini API in Vertex AI or Google AI Studio. This allows developers to integrate Gemini’s advanced capabilities into their applications and services, opening up a world of possibilities for AI-powered solutions.

Google Gemini Pricing

Google Gemini offers different pricing options for its various services:

Gemini Pro: Gemini Pro is available for free on the web at It offers a limited number of queries per minute.

Gemini Advanced: Gemini Advanced is a paid service. It is available as part of the Google One AI Premium Plan for Rs 1950/month, starting with a two-month trial at no cost.

This plan includes all the benefits of the existing Google One Premium plan, such as:

  • With our most capable AI model, Ultra 1.0: It is far more capable at reasoning, following instructions, coding, and creative collaboration

  • State-of-the-art performance: It can understand, explain, and generate high-quality code in many programming languages

  • Designed for highly complex tasks: Built to quickly understand and respond to a diverse set of inputs — including text, images, and code

  • 2 TB of storage in Photos, Gmail & Drive for you and up to 5 other people

  • Available soon: Gemini in Gmail, Docs, and more

Pay-as-you-go Threshold: Once you reach the pay-as-you-go threshold, Google will charge an input fee of $0.00025 per 1,000 characters or $0.0025 per image and an output fee of $0.0005 per 1,000 characters.


Google Gemini represents a significant leap forward in the realm of artificial intelligence. With its advanced capabilities in understanding and generating language across a wide range of tasks, Gemini is balanced to redefine our interaction with technology. Its integration across various platforms and its wide availability make it a versatile tool that can be used in a multitude of applications.
