The Tech Platform

May 18, 20234 min

Choosing the Right Tool: Azure CLI vs Azure PowerShell for Managing Azure Resources

Managing Azure resources efficiently is crucial for any organization leveraging the power of Microsoft Azure. When it comes to command-line tools, two popular options stand out: Azure CLI and Azure PowerShell. In this article, we will explore the differences and help you choose the right tool for managing your Azure resources. Whether you are familiar with Azure CLI or Azure PowerShell, understanding their strengths and capabilities will empower you to make informed decisions. So, let's dive into the world of Azure CLI vs PowerShell and find the perfect fit for your Azure resource management needs.

What is Azure CLI?

The Azure Command-Line Interface (CLI) is a versatile tool that lets you manage and administer Azure resources using a command-line interface. It works on multiple platforms, including Windows, Linux, and macOS.

With Azure CLI, you can execute administrative commands on Azure resources through a terminal. Whether you prefer interactive usage or automation, Azure CLI has got you covered.

For interactive usage, you simply launch a shell, like cmd.exe on Windows or Bash on Linux/macOS, and enter commands at the shell prompt. This allows you to interactively manage your Azure resources using the CLI's command-line prompts.

To automate repetitive tasks, you can assemble Azure CLI commands into a script using the scripting syntax of your chosen shell. This way, you can create a shell script that contains a series of CLI commands and execute the script whenever needed, automating the execution of these commands and streamlining your workflows.

Some common Azure CLI commands are:

  1. az group for managing resource groups and template deployments.

  2. az vm for managing Linux or Windows virtual machines.

  3. az storage for managing storage accounts, blobs, files, and containers.

  4. az keyvault for managing Key Vault keys, secrets, and certificates.

  5. az sql for managing SQL servers and databases.

  6. az aks for managing Azure Kubernetes Service clusters.

  7. az container for managing Azure Container Instances.

  8. az cosmosdb for managing Cosmos DB servers and databases.

  9. az cdn for managing Content Delivery Network profiles and endpoints.

  10. az policy for managing Azure Policy definitions and assignments.


  • It has a simple and consistent syntax that follows the pattern of az resource command

  • It works across Azure services and is designed for automation

  • It runs in Windows PowerShell, Cmd, Bash, and other Unix shells

  • It is open-source and can be extended with custom commands


  • It does not support some advanced features of PowerShell, such as pipelines, variables, and loops

  • It does not have native support for JSON manipulation or formatting

  • It may have some compatibility issues with older versions of Azure resources or APIs

What is Azure PowerShell?

Azure PowerShell is a collection of commands, known as cmdlets, that help you manage and control Azure resources using the command line. It follows the Azure Resource Manager model and supports scripting across different platforms.

With Azure PowerShell, you can automate tasks, create custom tools, and perform operations on your Azure resources. It provides a powerful way to interact with and manage your Azure environment efficiently.

You have two options to use Azure PowerShell. You can run it directly in your browser using Azure Cloud Shell, or you can install it on your local machine. Both options give you the ability to utilize Azure PowerShell's capabilities for managing your Azure resources.

The recommended PowerShell module for managing Azure resources on all platforms is the Az PowerShell module. It provides the latest features and updates, ensuring a seamless experience when working with Azure resources.

Some common Azure PowerShell cmdlets are:

  1. Connect-AzAccount for signing in to Azure.

  2. Get-AzSubscription and Set-AzContext for managing Azure subscriptions.

  3. New-AzVM, Get-AzVM, Start-AzVM, Stop-AzVM, and Remove-AzVM for managing virtual machines.

  4. New-AzResourceGroup, Get-AzResourceGroup, Set-AzResourceGroup, and Remove-AzResourceGroup for managing resource groups.

  5. New-AzStorageAccount, Get-AzStorageAccount, Set-AzStorageAccount, and Remove-AzStorageAccount for managing storage accounts.

  6. New-AzKeyVault, Get-AzKeyVault, Set-AzKeyVault, and Remove-AzKeyVault for managing Key Vault instances.

  7. New-AzSqlDatabaseServer, Get-AzSqlDatabaseServer, Set-AzSqlDatabaseServer, and Remove-AzSqlDatabaseServer for managing SQL Database servers.


  • It leverages the powerful scripting language of PowerShell that can handle complex tasks and scenarios

  • It supports pipelines, variables, loops, and other features that can enhance the command-line experience

  • It has native support for JSON manipulation and formatting

  • It can integrate with other PowerShell modules and tools


  • It has a more verbose and complex syntax that follows the pattern of Verb-AzResource

  • It requires Windows PowerShell or PowerShell to run

  • It may have some performance issues or memory leaks when running large scripts or commands

The Difference: Azure CLI vs PowerShell

When to Choose?

Both Azure CLI and Azure PowerShell are powerful tools for managing Azure resources, but there are some scenarios where one might be more suitable than the other. Here are some considerations:

Use Azure CLI when:

  1. It is a good choice if you work in a multi-platform environment or if you prefer using non-Windows operating systems.

  2. It is well-suited for quickly executing commands and performing ad-hoc tasks. It provides a streamlined command-line interface that can be effective for one-time operations.

  3. If you are comfortable working with command-line interfaces and prefer a lightweight tool, Azure CLI might be the better option. Its commands are designed to be short and intuitive, enabling efficient interaction with Azure resources.

  4. Azure CLI offers strong scripting capabilities and supports popular scripting languages like Bash and PowerShell. If you want to automate Azure operations and integrate them into your scripts or CI/CD pipelines, Azure CLI can be a good fit.

Use Azure PowerShell when:

  1. If you work predominantly in a Windows environment or require deep integration with Windows-specific functionalities, Azure PowerShell is a natural choice.

  2. If you or your team already have experience with PowerShell, leveraging that knowledge can make it easier to work with Azure resources using Azure PowerShell. PowerShell provides a consistent scripting experience across various Microsoft products, making it beneficial for those already proficient in the language.

  3. If you require features that are only available through Azure PowerShell cmdlets or need to work with specific Azure modules, Azure PowerShell might be the better choice.

In some cases, you can use a combination of Azure CLI and Azure PowerShell depending on your specific needs and preferences. It's worth experimenting with both tools and evaluating which one aligns best with your workflow and requirements.


Both Azure CLI and Azure PowerShell offer similar functionality for managing Azure resources. The decision ultimately depends on your specific needs, your preferred scripting language, and your familiarity with the tools. In some cases, using both tools together might be beneficial, allowing you to leverage the strengths of each tool for different tasks. Ultimately, it's recommended to experiment with both Azure CLI and Azure PowerShell to determine which tool aligns best with your workflow and requirements.
